Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am Lame Enough To Make My Next Post a Link To Another Blog

So I am totally Lame Enough that after weeks and weeks of not posting I would make my next post a Link to a Blog that my friend, PG (funny she is 1 P short of being me - PPG - maybe that is why I like her so much), forced me to read and laugh so hard I cried while doing it.

Hyperbole and a Half - funny funny funny. PG sent enlightened me to the posting from December last month. First time I ever heard of the blor or read the blog. As I was reading it I started to giggle - this drew TheKing's attention - he came in and asked what I was giggling at. I showed him the blog - which has drawings that accentuate the story, but that are drawn to look much like children's drawings. At first TheKing laughed looking at the pictures and wanted me to read the story to him - but even though I read out loud the story was lost on him. So he wandered away.

I read on.

Not long after I continued reading I started to actually laugh out loud (LOL for those of you who no longer understand completely written out words due to excessive texting). TheKing wandered back in wanting to know what it was making me laugh out loud (LOL). He looked at the computer - evaluated the pictures and said, "That isn't funny Maudy." (Maudy is his name for BigGuy and I - just like we call the kids a garbled mixture of their 3 names due to confusion of which we are addressing - TheKing does the same with us - Maudy - Maummy + Dauddy = Maudy). His not thinking the hilarious blog was funny made me laugh harder. He stared me down. Like really stared me down - like I was totally in trouble. I tried to explain the point of the story, but it was unexplainable to a 5 year old. So instead I laughed harder. He got a bit flustered I was laughing. Probably confused as to if I was laughing at him or with him, but the story was funny and his inability to understand it seemed to make it funnier. Eventually I was laughing so hard I started crying.

This made TheKing really mad and he said, "You need to go to your room and control your motions."

Which of course made me pee my pants.

All that said here is last months Hyperbole and a Half post. After you read that read this months - it is just as funny!

Hyperbole and a Half - The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas