Thursday, December 17, 2009

Performance Time!

TheKing had his first Preschool Recital. I love love loved the way they did it! See we have kids who are from the US, India and some who are Jehovah Witness - so it really is unrealistic to believe that everyone would enjoy a complete recital filled with music celebrating Christmas only.........and our teachers are also smart enough to realize that our 3 year olds are not quite ready to learn enough songs within a short amount of time to fill just a Christmas venue - so they cleverly had the children sing a large combintation of songs and recite poems with hand and body motions that they have been learning through out the year. And I must say TheKing was a True Performer!! Not at all shy.....placed strategically between two girls that he does not wrestle to the ground......he promptly pointed me out to the crowd - waved - said "Hi Mom I am right here" and then waved again and again - tapped MissC and pointed me out - looked for BigGuy and after seeing him pointed him out and waved too. It was just Too Sweet!! Without further ado........TheKing and The Great Big Spider - followed by - The Teenie Tiny Spider......

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Too cute!