Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Bad Luck - Forgotten Blog



Very often I see people on Facebook complaining about the negative things that happen in their life. Yes, I also see people post about the positive things too, but honestly there tend to be more negative posts or posts about crazy things that bug people.

Yes I really do like to know when a friend needs some extra support. Also - I get that posting frustrations on Facebook are a nice "letting go" way of putting the feeling out of their own life and move forward. I get it. Sometimes I even do it. I also understand that for some people the obvious autonomy that Facebook offers (you can say it, but not have to look anyone in the eye while doing it)them makes them feel safer saying things out loud.

I get it.

Last week I found myself doing the opposite though. I decided to post that I was happy that even my bad luck was good luck.

* Tripped and almost dropped a cake that I was getting ready to decorate - but didn't drop it and didn't have to rebake it - good luck.
* Dropped a container of pirouette cookies that I was using and bashed the container - broke all, but 5 of them. I needed only 4 = good luck.

Then I was able to add -
* BigGuy's truck needed work that we were pretty sure would cost a chunk of dough - he had avoided fixing it for a good 10 months - we argued about it - all yuck stuff - then he took it in and it cost $65 to fix = good luck.

So bad luck - good luck - I am happy to have Bad Good Luck or Good Bad Luck - depending on how you want to look at it.

Apparently I should have kept my mouth shut......because this is how this week has gone -
* Monday.......well that was the day that the truck was fixed for $65 - not bad, but it was bad luck that it needed to be fixed - good luck that it was fixed cheap.

* meetings!! yea!! then I noticed TheMan scratching his head - and my head itched too......couldn't be......Yes It Was......Lice. Total Bad Luck. We spent the REST of the evening washing/rinsing/medicating/rinsing/combing hair - bagging stuffed animals - stripping beds - washing sheets - x's5 just to be sure.

* Wednesday.........followed up on the rest of the cleaning after the lice stuff - ugh. Then I finally calmed down a bit. I knew I was sick, but I didn't realize how sick I really was. Turns out I was REALLY SICK!! So I laid on the couch for the remainder of the day - except during piano lessons (which are in the living room) - I moved to the bedroom for a bit then, but it was so sunny in there (normally something I LOVE about my bedroom) that it made my headache double.

* Thursday.........woke with a fever - followed up on my plant to go to the doctor - took TheMan with me since he has been coughing for 2 weeks now. He had bronchitis (but was toward the end of healing - still ='s meds). I had a sinus infection and bronchitis starting. Great. Went to get meds before taking TheMan to school. His meds - $10 - my meds $130!! I got in the van and sat to think - which was hard because I had a terrible sinus headache and it was sunny (where is the rain when you wish it?). I was a bit freaked out - what is our insurance for anyway? Called BigGuy - he calmed me - called the pharmacy and asked if I could return the meds. Yes. Went inside to return them. Went back to the car to call the doctor to ask for a new script......only I had locked the keys in the car. The last time I locked the keys in the car was pre-kids during a float trip with BigGuy's friends and our (his) beer was in the trunk and we were 2 hours away from a town that could come to open the car. BigGuy was not happy.......I became OCD about checking and rechecking where my keys were after that. Dang sinus headache. We waited for BigGuy and TheKing to end swim class and come open the van. Peeking in I saw that I could just kinda see the number for the doctors office. Called and had the script changed. We waited. By the time everything worked out I was exhausted. TheMan was able to convince me to keep him home from school to "help" with his little brother TheKing.

Now let's review their "self-proclaimed" names - TheMan - TheKing - you can guess how well they listen to each other. Individually they are FABULOUS - left to work things out on their own - well.........they are brothers. I blame the headache for my lack of judgement on that.

So - recapping - I have Good Bad Luck - or - Bad Good Luck. Apparently I tempted a higher power to test my attitude on that and they passed me one hurdle after another to see if I could hack it.........

Okay - let's look at it -
* was fixed - we had the money to cover it - BigGuy now drives in a car that isn't about to break down. Good Luck.

* Tuesday.........ack - lice stinks - but we didn't have a single meeting that night so I was able to notice that he had lice - we had the money to buy the kits needed to clean our hair (thank you car repair bill luck). None of the kids freaked out about it. We got it all done. No one had to shave their hair off (it was a fear).

* Wednesday.........I was able to turn everything off and just be sick. No meetings, no worries, the kids were helpful......

* Thursday......okay that was a test day - able to get into the doctors office - we have medical coverage - we have a car that I can lock myself out of - BigGuy was reasonably able to get to us in time to open the car - TheMan had chocolate milk and Pop-Tarts to eat while we waited - the pharmacists were helpful - the doctor was willing to switch the prescription and sent a voucher for a free sinus spray - BigGuy took over house duties after he got home from work - the boys didn't make me crazy while they stayed home.

Today is Friday - my kids have a half day of school - another hurdle? No...a blessing - extra time with my kids. Plus - I lost my voice (the new script meant that I went from a 4 day "quick feel" medicine to a 10 day "you get a bit worse before you get better" medicine - today I am feeling a bit worse physically.

However, since I was too exhausted to drive myself home after dropping TheKing off at preschool - I was easily convinced to meet for coffee with my good friend, KBS, and she invited a potential friend. We sat and talked and goofed off for 2 hours at the coffee shop. Probably why I lost my voice. Still - made the day worth whatever else might come about.

Good Luck - Bad Luck........they are all the same thing........I am convinced it is all in how you look at it.

Still I will keep crossing my fingers just in case.

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