Friday, October 26, 2007

Soooooo close

We are so close to a Thousand on our official blog counter that I thought I should note it. 997. Very cool. Thanks for coming and reading about our fun and goofiness.

Speaking of Funny. Yesterday we are getting ready to leave. We were headed to a pumpkin patch (which turned out to be imaginary - oh or maybe it was just invisible to match the haunted season), do a few errands and then dropping the two olders at friends for sleepovers. As we are leaving I inspected the children that would be spending time at friends. Not that I expect them to look perfect and unlike children their age and activity - but we are still in the courting phases of making friends (I refer to BigGuy and I, not the kids because other kids really don't care what kids look like). Babers looked fab because I was the one who prepared him. If he were doing it himself he would also be going through a scrutiny before leaving the house. Spidey passed - although if I remember right I did make him take off his no sleeve shirt and threaten to dress him myself if he didn't pick out something weather appropriate. I mean suggest. Anyway, SuperStar comes into the room - clothes looked good, she had a lot of sleepover stuff, but she assured me it was all necessary (1 suitcase, a sleeping bag, animals, pillow, a tent and a fold out chair - don't ask). Then I suggested she run upstairs and brush her hair. It was an "off school" day so I hadn't pushed it earlier. She informed me that she already had. I looked at her skeptically and suggested she go ahead and do it again or grab her headband and swoosh it back. She emphatically said she did brush her hair and that this is her style, "Wild". She explained to me that her hair choice is the same as the way she tries to live her life - she used words like "free", "wild", "crazy" and "stylish". She said her friends love her that way. My prediction is that the teen years are really going to rock and our blog should be super funny then. Please everyone put us on your prayer lists.

So we left with Babers, Spidey and the WildHair Chick.


Household Executive said...

I am totally LOL. This cracked me up! I can totally see AAP saying this in a couple of years. Love it!

Morgan said...

Too funny. "Wild Hair Chick" has a mind of her own. Love you baby girl, and miss you.
