Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bucket Head

Every morning BigGuy gets up and takes a shower - alone - in the bathroom by himself (maybe a child wanders in, but generally no one lingers). Every morning I take a shower - after BigGuy is off to work and the older kids have gotten on the bus - and Babers is unattended. He likes to loiter around the bathroom while I am showering. While our masterbath is open to the bedroom (meaning we have no door to close) the smaller room with a toilet has a door. In the past Babers will wander into that room, close the door and then knock on it as a game - only the light is off and it probably doesn't seem very funny to him after he has shut himself into a dark room - yet I am in the shower and can't reach him without getting out - so I do, cold, water dripping on the ground, let the baby out of the dark room. Finally I have gotten bright enough to remember to close this door before showering. So, this week he has been more eventful during my showers because he has no dark room to torture himself with.
Monday - this was the day that while showering I heard things falling. Glass items. I peeked out and there is Babers with his hand extended up over the top of my dresser running his hand along and blindly knocking things to the ground. He would then investigate them, coins, earrings, pictures, and go back to knocking more down. I shouted to stop - he smiled and continued. I finished quickly.
Tuesday - this was the morning he decided to open and close the cabinets in the vanity. We have a double with two sets of drawers. Clank, bang, clank, bang - very relaxing - clank and then silence. I peeked out and saw that he was pulling everything out and placing it around on the floor. I asked him to stop - he smiled and continued. I finished my shower early again.
Wednesday - this was Karma at work. Babers came into the bathroom with Jakes squeeky toy. It was fabulously relaxing, much better then the clank and bang the day before - SQUEEEEEEEEK - SQUEEEEEK - over and over. In bounds Jake looking for his beloved toy (this really is his favorite - constantly squeeks the darn thing and I have no idea how Babers even got ahold of it). Babers held it out (because we all know not to mess with Jake and this toy), Jake grabbed it and ran away - Babers after him and I am expecting to hear a scuffle and to have to get out of the shower. Nothing. Silence. A few minutes later I heard thump thump thump - silence - thump thump thumpidy thump - I peek out. Babers is near the window wall of our bedroom, it is trash day and all the trash has been taken out so he has his empty trash can from his room placed over his head - this is a tallish plastic can and it goes over his arm reach and to his knees - so he can't get it off his body. He is blindly thumping into things trying to get to me for me to help - not crying though so I am just watching. Karma baby. He is thumping along the wall, into furniture - I call out his name - he cirlcles around trying to figure out where my voice is coming from - thump thump thump and finally PLOP. He topples over and crawls back out of the trash can.

It all made the mischief from the other days more bearable. Too bad I don't keep a camera in the shower because him under that yellow trash can thumping was too funny!!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I would like to have seen Babers wearing the trash can. It must have been a riot!
