Saturday, November 3, 2007

For SuperStar

We're here to end it,
I said & she said, No,
we're here to begin it
& then she turned &
opened her arms
& everywhere I could see,
there were people,
like bright birds, calling
with a thousand voices
& suddenly I understood.

Here is where it begins.
With all of us, together
giving our daughters
a world worth loving
for a lifetime to come.
~ StoryPeople

The last week or so StoryPeople has sent out stories that seemed to be in reference to the things that touch our lives. One my friend, SS, and I even emailed one another to say "hey that was so dead on" and laughed about. Anyway, this one made me think of SuperStar. This week we started our Girl Scout adventure. There were so many things that happened this week - regular everyday stuff, our first party here at the house and then all the Halloween hoopla and parties, plus getting ready for our schools carnival this weekend. So when Thursday pulled up at the house I had pretty much forgotten that there was an hour and a half long meeting to be held where I was to captivate the attention of eight young girls (I am apparently not to refer to them as little and honestly a few of them were just about as tall as me). I was in the midst of making 100 cards to donate to the country store at the carnival when I realized I needed a snack, craft and get to know you game for the troop. A week earlier I told my co-leader "no problem" about covering it all because she was busy through the week with special work projects. Silly me. So off to figure out what to do - cheese popcorn, apple cider, a charades game (hoping the girls weren't shy) where they act out their "favorite" things, and some shrinky dink type material and permanent markers to make name tags with were all pulled out to cover the meeting. Fortunately they were thrilled with it all. We made a list of "favorites" to work with for the year, did the name tags and each girl was amazed when I heat gunned their design and shrank the tag down to size (and they each put theirs on right away to show off), snacks were a nice change of pace from candy and we ended the evening with some charades - that they were begging to continue and begging to not have to leave. It was nice, it was encouraging and on the way home SuperStar told me she was proud that her mom was the leader and so much fun. That makes the whole thing worth it. Then this StoryPeople came through and it reminded me of just how worth it. The only thing I could do to improve upon the story is to change it to "daughters and sons", because I am sure I will be doing some goofy Boy Scout thing eventually.

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