Saturday, August 30, 2008


There seem to be a lot of people around me lately making changes - some big and some small - but I have found myself thinking about the two qoutes below and the sone you are listening to as I listen to many of them talk about what is happening for them..............

You can never get a New Beginning, but you can always make a New Ending
~ author not known by me

Life is an Occassion - Rise to it!
~ Mr. Magorium

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm the Boss!!

With Spidey and SuperStar back in school - Babers now runs the show at home again. And he is LOUD!!! He is only one kid - all by himself in the noise making - and yet he can fill the entire house with awful, shrieking noise. He can also fill the house with incredibly loud laughter and giggling. Unfortunately, at the moment, if he is not getting his way he is doing the first set of noises. So we keep ourselves occupied.

Personally I would prefer to set the olders off on the bus and take a bike ride to get my exercise out of the way. Babers doesn't quite see it that way. He sees that for the past 3 months the olders have run the show when it comes to morning TV. As soon as they are on the bus he is demanding "Bear" or "Blue" or "Dora" or "Wiggles". So we watch 30 minutes of TV. Well, he does - I look for emails from you all. Then we barter about exercise. I want to bike. He wants to go to the gym and play with kids. One day I took him biking even though he was chanting "Go to gym - me go to gym" - we were about 2 miles in and he started screaming and bucking like a bronco in a trailer. We started going to the gym and I have decided to keep my biking to F,S & S mornings (our mass is late so I can bike, walk Jake, shower and still make it to mass). He loves the gym. He ignores me some days if they are doing something fun when I come back to get him. The upside is - I can work out for longer then an hour if I really want to. The downside - it gets boring doing the same stuff..........

So we tried biking again. This time I prepared. I got a snack of crackers and a kashi granola type bar, a water bottle (not sippy cup because that isn't as COOL), a few books, a pair of headphones and Spidey's mp3 player. Popped the earphones on, turned on the tunes and he lasted all 7 miles without much complaint - although when he dropped the water bottle on the floor we had to stop. As a reward we stopped to watch the tractors dig up the millionaire guys yard (he is making a pond).

The afternoon is lunch, more demanding for time (so sometimes he takes a bath because then I can do something like sort laundry or clean the bathroom he is in), and then a blissful nap (the bliss is mine, he does NOT like taking a nap, but since he can't figure out how to turn a door knob yet he is totally in his room regardless and he falls asleep).

In all - he totally thinks he is the Boss - even told me once, "I the Boss" - still trying to figure out where that came from. I let him think that - until he is a little older - because as soon as the bus pulls up he is at the window shrieking, "It Ben's bus!! Ansen is home!!". I open the door and he runs down the driveway and hugs whoever is in front. Mr. Coon, our bus driver, loves this and always yells, "Bye Babers!". Probably why Babers loves the bus.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday SuperStar!!

SupeStar turned 9 last Wednesday. It was the very first day of school. Fortunately it was only a half day, but she was thrilled to finally have her birthday during the school year. The last 4 years she has had to celebrate her half birthday on the same day many other summer birthdays celebrate. Apparently this was a little anti-exciting for her because it wasn't her REAL bday. This year she got to bring in cupcakes and be the center of attention - plus she got most of the day off to do the fun things that she planned for the family. Her bday stretched out for an entire week - and I think she was very happy to have it that way.

Goooooo Bobcats!!

Here it is - the First Day of School Standing in Front of the Doorway picture. Every year I have taken this picture since they started preschool. For SuperStar I now have 6 pictures and for Spidey I have 4. Things haven't changed much - they switch sides to stand on from year to year, but they are always a little taller and a little more self assured about what is going to happen. This year, however, they both seem way older then ever. SuperStar is sporting her new "fashion look" - which is the bandana and the beads braided onto one section of her hair in the front. A look she dreamed up the day before school started. Spidey is all about the attitude. It isn't a negative one or an "I'm better then you" - it is more a "life of the party" kinda guy he has decided to be. Babers wouldn't pose. Perhaps it was in protest - he so desperately wants to be on a school bus that I think he is ticked off everytime we leave school and he is sitting in a stroller and not climbing on a bus. In January we will be taking Babers first Standing in Front of the Doorway pic for preschool.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Newest Cake Decorator

Go to Cards & Cakes to see SuperStar working on her first Cake!
Let the birthday partying begin!! Saturday night we began the first of 3 celebrations (because all birthdays seem to be stretched out - and who can blame a person, it's their birthday!!). This year SuperStar decided to have a Food Fight party. We had it all planned out - the food would easily blend back into the earth and all would be neat and tidy for BigGuy's next mowing. Then SuperStar began to heavily hint that she wanted a new bike for her big 9th bday. We looked at her biking around the neighborhood - all knees around her ears - and realized that her bike really was far too small. As adults we also thought about the cost of a bike and the durability. We wanted to buy a Good bike that would last awhile and our kids are biking a lot. This meant that her bike would be in the $100 range if we caught a good sale (because even we have the common sense not to think a professional bike is needed for a 9 year old - BigGuy wanted to check out the pro bike stores and we did - kids, I mean 5 year old size kid bikes were selling for $500!!! The average price of a kids bike there was around $350!! We love our kids, but that is like paying more then $35 for kids shoes - they outgrow them in 4 months.). We thought about the food fight cost for throw away food and 20 kids worth of food and take home treats. Then we talked to SuperStar. The bike was a big expense and we did want to give it to her, but she had to scale down her party to a few friends, less expense and we would throw in a sleepover. She thought about it for a few days and decided a Swimming Sleepover Party was the way to go. And that was that.

Everyone arrived - we treked them over to the pool - they swam, had pizza (it was freezing! The high here has been 78 -80 until today we reached 84) - then home for a Pinata in the Dark, some free time - rounded them all up and they painted picture frames and then deco'd them. Finally the evening ended with a giant screaming pillow fight (thank goodness they were in the basement), a Harry Potter movie, chips and drinks. Amazingly at 11:30pm I was asked to turn the movie off because they all wanted to go to sleep! And that was that. BigGuy stayed up late, but the house was quiet by Midnight. However, Babers had everyone back up by 6:30am - which was fine because most were picked up by 8:30am for their church masses.

Apparently the entire thing was a huge success! Next celebration - First Day of School Birthday where SuperStar gets to take cupcakes to school........

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fun in Indy

We had a ton of fun on our short trip to Indianapolis! This was the first "our family only" trip we have done since Spidey was 3 years old. Do the math, that would be 4 years. Lots of trip to Iowa for family stuff and recently lots of trip to STL for family stuff and holidays, but nothing that was "just us" and "just fun". We packed everything up, checked into our Holiday Inn WaterPark Hotel and then headed downtown to see what we could find. There were tons of things - we picked biking around the canal - there were gorgeous houses and cute neighborhoods - we had a tasty dinner - we spent the night at the waterpark - then the next day we were at the Children's Museum from open to close (that was 7 hours of exploring a 4 level building - lots of walking) - back to the waterpark and stayed up late watching a movie. Very fun!! We would certainly recommend it (although the waterpark was more the kids kind of fun - BigGuy and I most liked the biking).

Friday, August 8, 2008

SuperStar's first Big Gig

Well it was bound to happen - SuperStar has landed her first Big Gig. Not that dance recitals, school productions or talent shows aren't a fabulous forum, but we always knew that SuperStar was bound for the stage - and here she goes. I think I mentioned that last week she auditioned for a local theatre Holiday production. She got a part in the show - we think it is in the choir, but the "title" they gave her is vague. She really wanted a speaking part or a solo, but she is on the young end, is very new to this all and nervous enough at auditions that she barely smiled (although she did sing out very well). Solo's haven't been appointed yet, so while she won't be speaking, she is hoping that if she really demonstrates her abilities she can be a soloist. We are encouraging her to be thrilled being on stage for the first time, enjoy everything, watch everyone and learn a great deal so that she can grow and do more next year. She is very excited!! Performances are in December so book your rooms at our Inn soon!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Babers Mischief

Okay, I know that I bellyache a little bit about what mischief Babers is always up to. He really is the one of the three that has made us become creative with entertaining and keeps our bottoms moving. Heck, lately I have taken up going to the gym because HE enjoys it. He has a blast playing. We get there and he runs straight for the play room! It is a joy to go there with him so I do. Maybe it is his way of getting my butt to workout. And it is working because honestly, the hour that I work out in silence (except for the loud music I play on my mp3) is bliss. Now - watch these videos. Yes, they are about Spidey riding his bike, but change your focus and watch Babers. Especially in the one where he is standing next to me trying to figure exactly when to throw the glass piece he picked up out of the garden........