Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm the Boss!!

With Spidey and SuperStar back in school - Babers now runs the show at home again. And he is LOUD!!! He is only one kid - all by himself in the noise making - and yet he can fill the entire house with awful, shrieking noise. He can also fill the house with incredibly loud laughter and giggling. Unfortunately, at the moment, if he is not getting his way he is doing the first set of noises. So we keep ourselves occupied.

Personally I would prefer to set the olders off on the bus and take a bike ride to get my exercise out of the way. Babers doesn't quite see it that way. He sees that for the past 3 months the olders have run the show when it comes to morning TV. As soon as they are on the bus he is demanding "Bear" or "Blue" or "Dora" or "Wiggles". So we watch 30 minutes of TV. Well, he does - I look for emails from you all. Then we barter about exercise. I want to bike. He wants to go to the gym and play with kids. One day I took him biking even though he was chanting "Go to gym - me go to gym" - we were about 2 miles in and he started screaming and bucking like a bronco in a trailer. We started going to the gym and I have decided to keep my biking to F,S & S mornings (our mass is late so I can bike, walk Jake, shower and still make it to mass). He loves the gym. He ignores me some days if they are doing something fun when I come back to get him. The upside is - I can work out for longer then an hour if I really want to. The downside - it gets boring doing the same stuff..........

So we tried biking again. This time I prepared. I got a snack of crackers and a kashi granola type bar, a water bottle (not sippy cup because that isn't as COOL), a few books, a pair of headphones and Spidey's mp3 player. Popped the earphones on, turned on the tunes and he lasted all 7 miles without much complaint - although when he dropped the water bottle on the floor we had to stop. As a reward we stopped to watch the tractors dig up the millionaire guys yard (he is making a pond).

The afternoon is lunch, more demanding for time (so sometimes he takes a bath because then I can do something like sort laundry or clean the bathroom he is in), and then a blissful nap (the bliss is mine, he does NOT like taking a nap, but since he can't figure out how to turn a door knob yet he is totally in his room regardless and he falls asleep).

In all - he totally thinks he is the Boss - even told me once, "I the Boss" - still trying to figure out where that came from. I let him think that - until he is a little older - because as soon as the bus pulls up he is at the window shrieking, "It Ben's bus!! Ansen is home!!". I open the door and he runs down the driveway and hugs whoever is in front. Mr. Coon, our bus driver, loves this and always yells, "Bye Babers!". Probably why Babers loves the bus.

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