Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Everyone Gets a Day Off" he said......

Lately I have been feeling VERY tired. This could be caused by several reasons:

A) BigGuy snores SO LOUD that he wakes me up several times a night - thus causing me to have interrupted sleep.
B) TheKing comes into my room and climbs into bed and begins to move around until he falls back asleep waking me up - thus causing me to have interrupted sleep.
C) I am eating horribly - thus causing me to have no energy and be tired a lot.
D) My schedule is kinda stressful with 2 Trivia Nights coming, a big family event at our house soon and the everyday crazy of life.
E) All of the above.

Yesterday my day was going relatively on schedule. Up - gym - home - laundry - computer work - lunch for TheKing - and then the computer went out and I couldn't do the bills. TheKing asked me if I would sit with him while he watched tv and I did - although since watching the same Blues Clues tapes we have had since SuperStar was a kid is kin to pulling my eyebrows out I opted to snuggle him reading a book while HE watched the Blues Clues tape.

And then I realized how tired I was. I literally dozed off a bit - which is soooooo not me.

When BigGuy came home he said he would take care of everything. His words were, "Everyone gets a day off now and then." The fact that I was sitting watching the Blues Clues tapes with TheKing alerted him to the fact that things were not normal for me. And as I said - he sweetly stepped up to take care of things. And in turn I sat.........I wasted 4 hours watching television and reading my book. Stopping to eat the pizza that he ordered out. And I totally enjoyed having no responsiblity.

Until I went to bed .............and saw that all the clothes I had sorted were still on the bed waiting to be put away. Sheesh. So quickly I put them away.

Then this morning I woke up with Spidey - early for some reason - and went down to make sure he was good and ate some breakfast before watching tv. That is when I saw the dirty dishes piled up. Then I noticed that there was stuff all over the counters and on the table and the floor still needed to be swept. And basically all the things that I did not do yesterday were waiting for me today.

Now how is that a day off? I think what I had was simply a stop at what I was doing carried into the next day with even more to do. So BigGuy and I talked. He admitted that perhaps he forgot to do the things that would have made my day a full day off - and promises that my next day off won't come with dirty dishes the following day.

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