Friday, July 16, 2010

Fantastic Miss SuperStar

Fantastic Mr. Fox is what is on the menu at our house right now. Rehearsals started in June.....every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7pm - 9pm.....then tec week bumped it up to 6:30pm - 9pm and Fridays added in. Not too too bad, but it does seem to be taking up a good chunk of evening time.

Performances started last weekend - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 3 weeks - with one pickup rehearsal on Wednesday. That is a lot of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I know all the lines.....I know all the songs.....I know that SuperStar is loving every minute of it. She has had a few friends show up and she is loving showing them about the theatre - telling them what is what - but she is being kinda shy with her co-stars. I think I talk to them more then she does - which is so out of character for her......but they are kinda older then her. The kids more her age are in the animal characters. She is in the ensemble where they play a few different characters and switch to different positions. At first she was very disappointed........she didn't get to be an animal.........then she realized the animals sit on stage the entire production and don't move - so she embraced being a Villager, Chicken, Stage mover abouter and various other things as assigned.

The thing I find very interesting is that hanging with the older kids has SuperStar thinking she is one. The boys in this photo are 14, 15 & 16. The girls are 13, 14, 15 & 18. I asked SuperStar at one point how she gets along hanging out with the kids - she told me a few stories - I can see how the boys are sweet and helpful to her (like big brothers) and that she goofs around with the girls, but she said they were all good except one rat (the boys dress as rats) can be kinda inappropriate. So I asked her what she meant and she said that the said rat (center of photo)- keep in mind the dressing rooms are in the basement of the building and there are the usual support beams holding the floor up - well said rat was teasing one of the girls as she twirled about a support beam and saying that she was doing a pole dance. As SuperStar told me the story I agreed with her that it was kinda inappropriate ........ then SuperStar ASSURED me that he NEVER did stuff like that around the "little kids" I pointed out that at 10 years old she IS one of the little kids!!

Even then......said rat is not a "bad boy"....he really does seem sweet and helpful - just maybe a little "showy" - of course I imagine that is why every one of those kids is should hear the stories they tell about their parents - forgetting they are there....drinking....never feeding them....not making smart choices pertaining to child care.....geez louise if I didn't know their parents I would worry....the drama of it all!!!

So if you are in the area catch a show -
Friday - Saturday - Sunday and then again next week on Thursday - Friday - Saturday and Sunday........but then it is don't miss it!!

1 comment:

The Gray's Kitchen said...

Ah, the trials of stardom. How exciting (and exhausting) for all of you! I'm so proud of both your talented kiddos who tried out made the cast--very impressive. Is SuperStar thinking of drama (the kind sanctioned by the school) in middle school? My son it.