Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hasn't it be 20 Years??

This is a cake that I made for MrK.........he turned 4 yesterday and yesterday was his birthday!! I was asked to do a Millineum Falcon.........remember those? From like 30 years ago? At first I was thinking 20, but it must be 30 or more - I was about 10 I think when I saw Star Wars.....

When we first talked about my making this cake (it was our gift to the bday boy to help out with "getting things done" and how many toys does a kid need really? So we gave him a few books and this cake) - anyway - when we first talked about my making this cake we googled Millineum Falcon cakes and came up withe quite a few. Some that were SUPER cool looking and that I will NEVER be able to emulate from my kitchen.....and some that were EPIC fails and looked more like a soccer ball then a space craft.

Now I personally see many flaws in this cake. Like these pointy things that jut out of the ship......they are totally cut uneven. They looked even, until I added the icing and that just seemed to make them go all wonky. Did the 4 year old notice it? fact I am faily sure that most people looked at this cake and thought "I will never want to do this" and didn't notice the Billboard sign size flas I can see at all.

Sometimes I need to step away from whatever I am creating and stop looking at it. Then when I come back it looks WAY WAY WAY more amazing then it did when I left it.

So where I was cringing at the sight of this cake right after I completed it - after putting it up for the night.......sleeping for 8 hours.....and then returning to it the next morning - I loved it all that much more. Then after looking at the cake through the eyes of a 4 year old, the relieved mom and all the guests - I felt like my mild success turned into a Splendid Success. Yea!!

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