Sunday, October 3, 2010

What Is Next?

What am I doing in my spare time you ask? Wait you didn't ask that? Oh........well how about I tell you anyway?

Baking Stuff

Yeah pretty much it is that simple. I have come to the realization that in about 10 months my 4 year old is going to 5 years old. He will start Kindergarten and the 12 year long hiatus from the "real world" (HA!! like anything will be harder then the 12 years I logged in as a SAHM)
of working will come to a close and I will be looking at What Is Next. With that thought
in my head I have been thinking about What Is Next. What is next? Well I could go back into the field of social work. I have even been recently tempted into apply back into that world with a WONDERFUL offer to apply for a counselor working with families who have adopted.

HELLO!! What am I waiting for right??

Well I am thinking about the other thing that I really enjoy. Baking. Even more so I am really getting a kick of Decorating stuff. Cupcakes, Cakes - for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Showers.......whatever......I even find myself begging to give people cakes so that I could practice other types of cakes. Which is kinda how I ended up here.........

Baking. Decorating. Finding myself thinking about What Is Next?

Should I start a bakery? I thought about it outloud. Talked outloud about the thought to my friends - CB, TL, BigGuy and a few others. When I was testing flavors I began to give them away to BigGuy and CB to take to work to give to willing eaters. Suddenly they were both getting me jobs!! Real "will you make me this special order kinda deal" jobs!! CB is getting me so many jobs that I am thinking if I do start a business it should be called CB's Friend That Bakes Cakes!

Then here I am....apply for a job doing what I got all those degrees for.....or try for a different path altogether now and even though it would be way hard and time consuming go for the adventure? Help kids - which is my total calling - or Bake Cakes (and still help kids because let's all face it - I am a VolunteerAHolic and I volunteer for organizations that are child based - shoot I have been trying to figure out how to make cupcakes to give away to organizations for kids celebrations.........without going broke).

So In the decision making time period I am working on this stuff.....Ipsy Bipsy Bake Shop - check it out and let me know what you think.......

1 comment:

Shannon said...

This one looks frickin' amazing! I want one so bad right now. Good work.