Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Funny Friend Stories

Okay....yes I have been busy, but there is always time to actually blog....and I do sit down and do it...and I do think of fun things to write about......but then a kid comes by or the phone rings or I remember another something I have to do and it is literally like "Squirrel" from the movie UP.

Oh and then there is that cake blog that I have been actually posting at semi regularly. Which is really the other reason that I haven't been posting blogs here a bunch. If I am not volunteering for something by creating a newsletter or planning and event.....I find that when I am on the computer I am researching a cake - like just today I was researching Electric Guitar cakes....and licensing a bakery while I have things to write about, by the time I really concentrate enough to write it I have completely forgotten what I was ever going to write!!

However, my friends are on my mind a lot because they are helping me through my current adventures. And due to that I am thinking about their stories.....and here is a Funny Friend Story.........

So this friend, we will call her TL, is totally put together. She dresses nice - like not just unwrinkled clothes, but unwrinkled matching clothes that are from the CURRENT not me. TL goes fun places. TL has a great job she loves and 2 kiddo's - one is in TheMan's grade and the other is at SuperStar's school a few years above her - 8th grade. She is also a Volunteer-A-Holic.......which is kinda how we have gotten close - we are on everyone of the same committee's together - and she has a heart of gold - which I completely admire in a person.

Needless to say - she has it all together.

This summer TL had an emergency operation. I won't go "all into it", but basically she was like the dog, Marley, from the movie Marley & Me. Her intestines were too long and they twisted up. It was dangerous and serious and she was home from work for several weeks. When she was recovering she tells a story in which her daughter, MissK, was helping her get dinner. They had decided to order out. TL was too woozy to actually talk to the people at the restaurant they were ordering from so she wanted MissK to do it. MissK was whining a bit about it (as good 8th graders will) and said she was too nervous to do it. TL insisted. MissK whined. TL said - in a medicated haze and in a very strict and probably annoyed voice (as good mothers will), "MissK you have to do this, I am trying to teach you how to cook dinner for your family."

Get it........the joke apparently is not just that she was making her daughter cook dinner by ordering out at a take out restaurant........but also apparently TL really cooks this way. Or so she says - I bet if we ever have dinner there it will taste great.

Anyway......funny TL story. I have another.........


mjblaze said...

ok, I like her already! also caught up with you on your other blog after realizing that the crafty one was gone....

HalfPint said...

Hi MJ - I miss you!! Guess running around after a kid is cutting into your "writing Patti notes" time. hehehehe - welcome to Momhood!