Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wow - this blog has no seen any action for MORE THEN A YEAR!!  Like seriously........more then 12 months - shoot more then 13 months - dang more then even that......see I figure I will just confuse myself if I keep talking about how many months it has been since I last posted.  Let me simply say - My Kids So Totally Do Not Look Like My Cover Photo Any Longer.  At All.  Well they resemble those kids, but they don't really look like them anymore.

Why am I here?  Why after so much time have I bothered to come back and look at this blog and post something?  Is it because I have suddenly become inspired?  No - wish it were.  Is it because there are no really interesting things to write about.  No - in fact we are probably less funny here in our world then we used to be........eeehhhh - scratch that - we are still a laughing is better then crying kind of a way.  Is it because I suddenly find myself with so much time on my hands that I CAN write a blog again?  No - actually my free time has become less present then it used to be.  But who needs free time - I mean what would you do with it, but waste it right?  I mean I know that everyone wants to read my prattlings about nothingness so this writing a blog thing is so totally not a waste of time - right? 

Hey wait - don't leave - keep reading.

Really though - I am writing again to save my sanity.  Yes - stop laughing - I do have some sanity left.  I don't care what you heard on the grape vine.......I have enough sanity left that at least I am not at the gas station trying to buy cigarettes in my birthday suit.  So it is due to trying to get some of this stuff out of my head and into someone elses - oh and because someone said that I write well (now that person has a lack of sanity) and because I am supposed to write some article for my fondant class coming up and I am all out of practice so I thought I would write something here and then segue into trying to write something there.  Okay - right - really I am just procrastinating writing that by writing this.

So while I do intend to write something about the crazy sanity breaking stuff that is in our household on a daily basis (no I don't mean I am going to write on a daily basis - that would be crazy) - it won't be that much today - or that interesting really.  Ack.


Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

I hope you do bring your blog back! I miss you!!!

HalfPint said...

and so yet ONE year later - I will remember to check the comments - see this and be inspired to come back. Thank you Jeanette - but I still follow yours........there is so much to read!! You are awesome -