Saturday, August 3, 2013

What Happened?

OH MY GOODNESS I can hardly figure this site out anymore - so many things have changed in how to create and update.  The other day I was thinking "let's clean up some of this stuff in favorites" as well as having a conversation with my bestie in FL (we have these 2 hour conversations where we talk about how ridiculous we are and feel better after giggling) where she pointed out that we are both Scanners........explain later......unless you read the article too and you understand already......but when I was cleaning out my favorites cache I realized that I had 3 blogs!!  Okay I KNEW I had 3 blogs.....but who knew that I hadn't updated any of them in a year........Okay I KNEW I hadn't updated them in a year......but who remembered to care that I hadn't updated them in a year.  Not me.  Likely none of you since I would guess the 5 people who are listed as following my blog deleted the link AGES ago.  Which really is kinda funny since that is EXACTLY what I was doing to blogs when I ran into the ones I started myself........clicking on saved links........looking to see how recently they were updated and then deleting the ones that were over a year.  Unless they were family.  You can never delete family.

Why is everything so out of date?  Well let's look at the past few years -
7 years ago moved here started first blog and things went well for a good amount of time....
5 years ago started baking cakes for folks who asked and time started to dwindle.....
5 years ago started second blog about me because my oldest became old enough to care about what I was writing as "embarrassing".......let's be honest - I did pretty well with that blog for about a month.
3 years ago kids started attending 2 different schools and I began doing more cakes for friends - this began dividing my time a great deal and my blogging time died...along with time for me in many areas.
3 years ago began third blog about cakes.......that one I actually did pretty well at because I was thinking "hey maybe I will start a cake business".........
2 years ago all 3 kids started in school, 1 in year round swimming, 2 in band, 1 in choir, 1 in swim lessons, and all in all sorts of stuff that I won't list and that really took a big amount of time AND I started really doing a BUNCH of cakes for folks.....blogging ended pretty much.
1 year ago I added working in the schools which took up the time I had left for breathing and blogging never started again.

So I was thinking - delete this account - and then I thought - I need something that is mine.  Something where I can type out loud the things that I am thinking. - and then I thought - don't delete yet.  Try again. 

How will it be different?  I don't know.  This year we have 3 kids in 3 different schools.  I will still work.  I think no more cakes for folks though so there will be that time right?  2 in year round swim though and that involves a lot of travel.  1 in swim classes.  Then there will be XCountry, band for many, piano.....ack I can't.......No no saying no - I can do this.  I can't figure out how to do anything, but create a post - so far I have messed up the formatting and can't figure out how to put the title in......but that is what makes it fun right? 

And here we go ........... again ...........

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