Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Santa needs to call back his deer so that they don't become a hood ornament on our van. Yes, I know that Santa has Magical Reindeer, not the deer that are living in our area (SuperStar is an avid reader and this must be stated). The other night when I was leaving STL my thoughts went to how dark is was out (it was after 7pm) and that most of the initial driving would be safe, but that once we passed Springfield it would be all country roads and that we had already seen deer running right into a car on a trip. My figuring was that during the final stretch home I would need to be careful - then as soon as I crossed the river into IL, right outside of Collinsville a deer ran across the road!! Didn't see another one the rest of the trip, but I was totally ready just in case (meaning I was totally paranoid the whole trip - was that reflective light really the eye of a deer?). We made it home though - safe. Then the other day the bus driver said there were deer in the road down the street and to be careful. So I have been. Until last night. No, I didn't hit a deer, but I almost did. I was sleepy, meeting a friend to go shopping, driving the windy road to town (we have no street lights on the 5 miles stretch), noticed the blue snowflake lights on a house and then all of a sudden I noticed the reflective lights on the side of the road - only this time they were deer eyes - she ran into the street startled by me - I slowed down (because of my deer fear I have been driving slower - much to the dismay of others on the road behind me) - then she started back off the road, back on the road, and then off the road completely and into the brush. The gigantic truck behind me stopped (probably some guy marking the spot in his mind so he could off the poor deer/dear later) and sat there (then again maybe it was someone more startled then I was - although they were never in harms way). Then today I saw another deer on my way home during the daylight. Where are they coming from? I am sure my local friends know all the reasons they are migrating toward people (heck, probably so they aren't in the hunting areas and killed for sport) - they probably aren't shocked to see them, may not even think it is totally cool like we do, but still.............these deer have got to smarten up. Is there not a deer training center somewhere. I have a vested interest in this deer problem. Our family is directly linked to them emotionally (G'Sell = gazelle = antelope = deer). As a child every year we went to the zoo and our dad would make us stand next to the Gazelle sign and have our photo taken. So really we need some suggestions and we should start a support center................

1 comment:

Morgan said...

While driving home from Murphysboro, IL, last Thursday evening, I was taking the same precautions about the deer. Unfortunately for a person just a few minutes ahead of me, they hit one. Everyone okay, I continued. Not much farther down the road, a beautiful, large bobcat bounded accross the road just about 50 feet in front of me. Wow, what a sight. I drove very slowly the remainder of the trip.