Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Time!!

It is Turkey Time!! These are cookies I did for the Kindergarten at the kids school. 80 of them for their big Feast today. Our holiday will be tomorrow and we are ready. We have our free range Amish Turkey in the fridge ready for BigGuys cooking plans - something about wrapping it in bacon and then pouring maple syrup over it or something. I have diced 27 cups of bread, 4 cups of celery, 6 cups of mushrooms and 2 cups of onion for the stuffing (ready to go). There is a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie waiting on the counter and sweet potato casserole sitting in the fridge to be baked (I had all this done by 10am today!). Tonight the kids are going to make Challah bread and then shape it into turkeys and bake them for tomorrow. Then tomorrow we will have a much lighter breakfast, do the final baking, watch some TV, do some crafts for the next holiday and sit around and enjoy one another. Sit around and enjoy one another. What a novel ideal. For the past 13 years BigGuy and I have been rushing from parents house to parents house (except the year we went to GA for the holiday and that wasn't our home - so it was still being somewhere else) - eating at least 3 times and a few of the first years 4 times through the day. This year we will actually be hungry for the turkey dinner!! We will need crafts and activities to entertain the kids because they won't have the cousins to entertain them (that part makes me tear up - Spidey was in tears when he found out he would be seeing CuznM or CuznG. We will see them all soon though - and next year we will have a finished basement so maybe we can host some of the family (not all of you) here for it (no promises that wasn't run by BigGuy first). Regardless - we are looking forward to a down day. Most likely we will be bored by 11am, but we will suffer through - be Thankful for each other, for all of you, for our home, for the gifts we receive everyday and for the fact that we are pretty much done shopping for the gifts you will recieve later. We will take lots of pictures too. Love to all reading this and Happy Holiday!!


Morgan said...

Yum. May I escape from So.IL and come to your house? I promise to be quiet--and good.

Household Executive said...

the cookies look great! how long did that take?

sounds like a great, relaxing day! enjoy :)