Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Maybe I don't want a Happy New Year, he said. Maybe I want an intense New Year with a lot of growth experiences

& I had to admit I'd never thought of that

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Basement Update

It is so nice to not be doing anything - well, not that we aren't doing anything, but we are doing whatever we want (well, except Babers who has this communication problem and regardless of what we are doing he always seems to want to be doing something else - which causes him to spend time in the stroller because if unleashed he will take off - so we have tried to do things that he wants to do too, like the chase me all around the universe game and figure out what I am saying before I have a complete meltdown and start screaming and attracting attention - great game). One of the things we are doing each day is the arranging the new stuff task. Each day our new stuff needs to find a forever home - only we need the basement to be able to help things find permanency. Like the big game table we got the family (huge hit - air hockey is constantly being played - however, not such a huge hit with me since it is sitting in the foyer). We arrange the new things, rearrange the new things, go out and buy more new things with our gift cards, find a place for those new things, re-rearrange the other new things to accommodate the newest new things - and the torture goes on and on. This rearranging has made me long for my new craft room (not because I need to put my stuff somewhere, but because it has a door and I will be able to go into it, stamp things for all of you and find a moment of sanity where no one will bother me - ah...okay, I am not deluding myself - they will find me and there isn't a lock on the door, hmmm......remind myself to talk to Tony about putting a lock on the door). Anyway, in thinking of the basement I remembered that a few people asked how it is going and I thought I would post some updated pics. We would be done, but people keep passing away, funerals need to be attended, this awful cold swished through and we lost workers for a bit, there were two holidays, plus there was the snow (but we are not complainging about any snow - ever), our contractors son had a concussion playing hockey so he was gone a bit for dr. visits(remind myself none of the kids can play hockey if they ask later) the list goes on - all of it is legitimate, it is just that weird everything happens at once thing. Right now they are doing the finish work - doors, trim, lights, drop ceiling in the bedroom, stairs, carpet, etc. We are hoping it will be done by the end of this week, but there is the New Year holiday and I think that might make it last into the next week. Not all bad - while I wouldn't mind walking around in my pj's and looking sloppy again (okay, again - who am I deluding - they have been around enough that they have seen the "real me" on occassion when they got here super early), but it is also nice to have grown ups living in my basement all day just in case I need to talk to someone - even if they do make jokes and take BigGuys side most of the time. Plus, I have learned to make super good coffee (so they tell me - really, I make it so that they don't leave to go get some - time saver you know).

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Three Day of Christmas in STL

In the past we traveled around STL the day before Christmas and the on Christmas Day. It was a challenge of patience due to sleep deprivation and children missing naps and being wound up. We were always successful though. This year we traveled to STL and then around STL for three days to celebrate the holiday with all the family. Schedules were changed for us and we truly appreciated it because as you can see from these pictures (and I don't have the Christmas day pics plus I cut out many since there were oringally 115) we did not short outselves on stops or time spent with those we love. This slide is filled with pictures from those three days only. Later I will do one with our families first Christmas here in our new home.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Family Look-a-likes

Okay, this is an update on the post I did earlier. As we were putting together Christmas Cards I found this kindergarten picture of BigGuy. So here are all our pictures - who looks like who? It is hard isn't it? The kids look like both of us and we kinda look a like too. Genetics, pretty cool.

GirlScout Caroling

There is finally time to start loading our Holiday event pictures onto the website. There are a lot of pictures, so we will be choosey about what to torture you all with. Here are a few shots of something that I am happy SuperStar and Spidey participated in. We did some bell ringing for the Salvation Army, we donated to gifts for kids who were not as fortunate as ours are and we went with the GirlScouts to carol, hand out gifts they made and run some bingo (these folks were serious about their bingo). The kids had a good time and I think the guests did too.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What Happened??

Okay, I remember baking gooey butter cakes for our contractor and our friends the C's - then we were all packed up and ready to go for the next day to STL to celebrate the holidays and then.................well, today is the day after Christmas! What happened??? The whole thing was a Giant WHOOOSH! Actually, I do remember it all - yet still it went by faster then a speeding bullet and left us all so tired that Babers is taking his second nap of the day (something he gave up a few months back). I am pretty sure we saw every living person in St. Louis, MO. From Saturday morning when we dropped Jakey off at the doggie spa we didn't stop. We went to my dads to drop off our stuff and pick up gifts we had stashed there - we then went to BigGuys sisters to celebrate with his dads side of the family - then we went to my moms to help her buy a computer - then we went to my dads for the night. Sunday we went to St. Margaret of Scotland for church, saw friends, went to our friends the G.'s for brunch and were joined by our other grands, Nona & Popo - stopped by there house after to open some presents and give some present - our friends the B's popped in for a sec. - then were went back to the G's to get my camers (oops) and back to BigGuy's sisters for a celebration with his moms side of the family. Our Aunt & Uncle were in from the Czech Rep. with CuznC - so that was an extra treat. Stayed there until 10pm and then headed back to my dads to pass out in the bed. Up the next day for a celebration with my dad and family and then on the road by 2:30 to head back home to IL. We wanted to spend the holiday in our home so as not to confuse Santa anymore then he might be due to our move. We know he is smart, but we were concerned - although the bigger concern was how would we fit all that stuff into our car!!! As it was we came up with our gifts in a simple medium size box that fit between the front and middle seat. We went home hauling AuntB's family travel top on our van and the whole thing packed, the van packed and basically feeling like Santa's sled at about bursting capacity. Our friends the C's had a great surprise waiting for us - they left food, chocolates, cookies and wine for us so we didn't have to worry about an evening meal - along with picking up Jakers from the spa (and paying because we spaced it). They are Christmas Angels. Amazingly we unloaded the car and had it all put away before the kids went to bed - promptly at 7:30 because they wanted Santa there soon - except they kept coming down to tell us to go to bed, we were impeading Santa's arrival - only we couldn't do our sneaky stuff with them checking on us every few minutes. So it took quite some time. The next morning everyone was up at 6am - but waited until 6:30am. Santa was good to us all - my mom popped in by 10:30am (another Christmas Angel - she was in the car driving more then she was at our house). It was an all day pj day although they were brand new pj's so it was like getting dressed. Still - comfy and fun. Then we did some more presents and we had a casual feast of ham, agratin potatoes, sweet potato casserole, salad and cranberries. Yum. Then Granma headed home and we hit the couch to watch The Simpson's Movie (BigGuy got it for Christmas).

In all it was a Very Merry Christmas. How was yours?

Friday, December 21, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life - Funny like

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Babers Birthday Pictures!!

The problem was fortunately not with the camera (although now I have two super mega chip things to hold pictures), but with the computer and we figured out how to trick it with the cords and stuff. Not as easy, but it worked!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Things that I know..........

I know that chocolate chip cookies are generally the first ones eaten. I know that everyone loves believing in Santa Claus. I know that my husband would much rather sleep really late (like 12ish) then get up when we do (6ish). I know that snow makes everything beautiful. And I know that moms do not want to receive dish detergent for Christmas. I also know that this is what my middle child has purchased me. No, I didn't peek - here is what transpired.......

After school the kids wanted to head to the Dollar Tree to do their holiday shopping. We have each of them buy something for one another and then something for BigGuy and myself. I was solo - so the kids were told to sneak their gifts for me into the cart and that I would promise not to look. Babers would have to shop with BigGuy later because he just doesn't understand sneak or subtle. That said I told them we would not hang out in the store for longer then 30 minutes (I am not a shopper and I certainly don't fancy hanging out in any one store for very long) - then they were released. SuperStar was pretty independent. She picked something nice for her brothers, her dad and then snuck something into the cart for me. I do not know what it is (although BigGuy doesn't believe this). Babers was entertained with the gift I - er, he - picked out for his dad. Together we trailed Spidey. Who first picked out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for his dad - then a water bottle - then a paperclip thing - all of these were strongly suggested against by me - and finally he choose something that seemed close enough that I let it pass. He was off to find something for SuperStar, something for Babers and then finally he started shopping for himself. I reminded him there was one more person. He put down the toy he was studying, walked around the corner and came back with a powdered dishwasher detergent. Another mom was smiling (the store was filled with parents helping their kids shop for one another) and started laughing when Spidey said, "This is what you need mom. You love to keep things clean." I told him that I was really disappointed I saw the gift, but since it was no longer a surprise he should try again. I asked SuperStar to help him with the sneaking part - hoping she would help him with the choosing too. I heard her around the corner say, "She doesn't want the liquid kind too." and him saying, "But this one is pink colored, she will like to clean with pink stuff." And so I am going to be gifted with pink colored Dawn. It is the thought that counts - right? Wonder if it is scented.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

When you think of Snow.......

Do you think of Trampolines?

So at tumbling class my kiddo's were asked by their teacher what their favorite thing to do in the snow was. One kid said his was to throw snowballs at people, another kid said sledding, another kid said she liked to build a snow person, SuperStar said she liked all those things and she liked to jump on the trampoline. To which everyone kinda stopped and looked at her. She is serious though. Spidey was right behind her telling the teacher how much he didn't like snowball fights, but that making snowangels on the trampoline was fun. The kids came straight home after that first snow and said that as soon as they were done with homework they were going to jump on the trampoline. And they did.

The teacher also had done some cold weather jumping, but she said hers ended when the trampoline ripped in two because of it being too cold for the mat and the fabric ripped. She wasn't jumping high though, just standing, and she was perfectly fine.
However, that is what I feared - that the cold weather is not good for the trampoline and it might be ruined.

Now no one jumps on the trampoline in the cold. Kids were disappointed, but now they are seem perfectly happy playing in the ditch in front of the house. Much better. Oh, and in these pictures - yeah, Spidey is totally without shoes. Goofer.

In the Meantime

While we are waiting to figure out how to get to Babers bday pics I thought I would post these - the kiddo's are taking tumbling classes on the weekends. Keeps them moving while there is tons of snow outside. There is skating on Tuesday nights too. No pictures of that yet.
The kids are having a lot of fun with this class. Spidey is super flexible - he did a standing backbend the first day. Although now he will only do them with a spotter (extra attention given that way) and neither of them seems able to do much without having their arms flop all over. While it is funny to watch, they could really get more out of it if they kept their arms locked - and their heads would hurt less too.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Technical Difficulties

We are experiencing technical difficulties with Babers birthday pictures. I can't get the computer to read the card. It says it is, but it isn't. BigGuy says it is the card so I am going to buy a new one and see if it works. If it does then we have to find the cord that came with the camera to retrieve the pics directly from the camera - however, the cord is in the basement in a box in storage and the basement storage is not accessible at this time. The basement is all dry-walled and in the process of being painted and ceramic tile is going down and all the rest of that - so hopefully we will get Babers pics up soon. I totally did an awesome job with both his cakes - so I really want to retrieve these pictures.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Babers!!!

Babers is climbing to the ripe old age of 2!!!!!! Yesterday we had a lot of fun with a birthday party for him. Lost our friends & family from STL due to snow (we got 5 inches!!), but still gathered 5 families who are local and celebrated. The kids ran around, we played Pin the Nose on Elmo, ate LOTS of cake (because we had enough for the planned 40 ppl), pizza, jello and salad. Then we watched it snow - and snow - and snow. Very cool. Today we are celebrating more and might venture to Chuck E Cheese for some playtime. Ironically Babers bday cake today is a SnowFamily Cake. Pictures to follow.
Love - All of Us! Happy Happy Happy Birthday Babers - Happy Happy Happy Birthday - Babers!!!

Snow Snow Snow Snow

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Icicles have Icicles

Last year in STL we had a huge ice storm that was absolutely gorgeous!! Yet we didn't enjoy it one iota because it took our power and we were homeless for 4 days. Not that we didn't enjoy staying at our friends house - all five of us in their two bedroom home with their family of four (actually it was fun), but it would have been much more enjoyable from our own heated home where we could snuggle in our pj's. This year we have that. For the past two weeks we have been getting small amounts of snow (never more then maybe an inch tops - this we wish we had more of) and lots of icy rain. The slippery stuff isn't so much fun to worry about because we live on the windy roads, but it sure is pretty. There is certainly a feeling for the holiday season that comes along with it. The only down side so far is that we don't get a bus ride to school sometimes. We haven't had an ice storm like last year - this has been more a slow accumulation of ice, but it is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

And The Stockings Were Hung

Well......our stockings are hung and the tree is up (not decorated though), but our story is more about the know, "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring"....well except for the mouse that we found in Spidey & SuperStar's room this afternoon. BigGuy was in there helping them clean up and he was pulling things out from under the bed and noticed something dart. He came and told me the "Carol" thing I just wrote (he is clever that one) and then we went back into the room with the intents to catch us a mousie. Now, the last mouse we had in our house was BC (Before Children). Our cat Barkley caught it and brought it to bed with us one night - this time Barkley showed ZERO interest. We put all the kids stuff in a pile in the center of the room, BigGuy got ready for the mouse and we jostled his area - only he darted, hit BigGuys leg, jumped up and over and scurried under the dresser - so we moved the pile to the hallway (because the mouse appeared smart and if he got into the pile we would have had to figure out which way to....well anyway.....we got everything ready to move the dresser and I moved the furniture against the wall where he might dart - only he was already there - then he moved to the other dresser - then when we almost had him there he jumped really high, scared the buggers out of me I mean he jumped up waist high), I started screeching, the kids went to higher ground on the top of the bunkbed saying things like, "You are scaring me Mommy" (like I was the Olympic jumping mouse terrorizing us all) and then it got around BigGuy again - across the hall and under our bed (where Barkley was lazing and didn't even bat a whisker). We cleared the underneath of our bed (surprisingly clean I might add) and figured it was gone because there was nothing left except the tube of Christmas paper to which I said, "Well, unless he is in that tube of paper he is in our bathroom." BigGuy tipped the tube up (which I would not have done because the thing might have scooted right down into his eye - eeeekkkk!!!) and there it was. BigGuy put the plastic container into the bathroom sink, the tube end into that, tapped the tube, the mousie came out and we closed the container.
The kids bopped around excited about it - we briefly discussed keeping it as a pet - then put him in the laundry room to await his fate. None of us could have killed him - especially since Danny just recently passed - so BigGuy donned his clothes and took the mouse for a ride - far away and dumped him in a corn field. It is super cold, icy and snowy here, but mice are made for burrowing and finding warm tiny spots. He was an exciting moment in our Sunday - and he totally got the kids room cleaned.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

What we do with Pumpkins

Around here Halloween pumpkins don't die after the holiday. Some we don't even carve - we let them hang around for decoration until the day that we voila them into something. So far we have created Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Orange Butter, Pumpkin puree for later and a few weekends ago we made a pumpkin into Curry Pumpkin Soup.................

Thursday, December 6, 2007

St. Nick's Eve

Last night we hung the stockings in hopes that St. Nick would find us in our new home. St. Nick is not Santa. Each year I have this conversation with the kids because they ask. SuperStar gets that they are different people and she is now assisting Spidey to better understand. Babers doesn't really care who it is - he was just glad to have chocolate coins - little bugger figured it out and how to unwrap them within 2 minutes of receiving them! St. Nick was born in 271 AD. He is the patron Saint of Sailors. During his living years he was known to save children and help the downtrodden. It is believed that he and his helper, Black Pete, would bestow gifts upon children who left their shoes out at night. Gold coins, tangerines and such. Today the tradition continues. In our home St. Nick brings things you can use - not toys. Last night he brought a pen to the olders, a Brownie Sash for SuperStar and nice shirts for both the boys. Plus the gold coins and a tangerine. No one wants to eat an orange here, but they all ate the tangerines. Hmmm.... Well, this year they asked a good question. If St. Nick is dead then who brings the gifts? My answer was that the gifts are left by someone who is channeling the spirit of St. Nick and the meaning of his good deeds. Apparently none of them understood what I meant, but no one asked me to elaborate. Instead I received a split second of dumb found silence followed by a knowing nod from SuperStar (she does this for show sometimes) when she then explained to Spidey that I meant a Spirit comes in and does it, you know like Casper, and then a blatant subject jumping occurred from Spidey to discuss the cereal they were eating. It's all good.

Then - tonight, after the kids went to bed, it began to snow again. Our second one. Yea for here!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cookies & Elephants

There are plenty of our blogs that center around the kids, fun we have with them and their friends. Here is what I did with my friends today. At M2M we had our White Elephant exchange and there was a Cookie Exchange. You brought 4 dz to participate in the exchange and then if you wanted you could compete. I competed (of course). There were 4 divisions - Chocolate, Non-Choc., No Bake and Decorated. I did not enter decorated (ha!) - I went in Non-Choc. with Gooey Butter Cookies. Do you know people up here do not know what a Gooey Butter Cake is???? They say it is a STL thing, but please........we are only 3 hours away - Gooey Butter should be like chocolate, once you have it you take it with you and share it with others - like a religion. So, I won my division - yea!! Mostly I think it was the display. I had some inside information on how to wow the judges by the former organizer of the event. I made a 3 dimentional tree, put the cookies on a Santa plate and such. Anyway, here is the fun, these are some of my friends and now you have a peek at what I do.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Elfin' Fun

Here is a fun site that everyone in the world seems to know about. We have sent our Elfin'-selves to a few of you, but just in case you want to see it again (over and over and over like our kids) here is your chance. And if you haven't seen it at all - well, BigGuy makes a cute elf.............
just click on Kids for thiers and Us for ours ~

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Griswald's live across the street

Our kids were so excited when over night our neighbors yard turned into a light display almost worthy of donations. This photo is not our neighbors yard, but they have lights on every window and these are not the everyday lights - they are the motion picture type things. A reindeer jumping, Santa's sleigh shooting across another window, a present in another window - you get the idea. They have a waving Santa, a reindeer, a fake white tree with lights, a snowman, a few other trees with various colors, some plastic figures, a Merry Christmas banner done in lights, a few candy canes - you get the idea. Surprisingly there are not lights on the house - the kind that outline the house or are the snowfall looking icicle things. However, we are told that this is a work in progress and every few days we see Mr. N outside adding something new. Our neighbors to the left have icicle lights, a few light up things and in the back yard a 9ft. cross lite up with lights and a light scarf. Down the street another family is in competition with the neighbors across the street and then there are scattered others. Today I sent BigGuy to the store to pick up lights for our house - and a few light up things for the yard. The kids totally want to compete. BigGuy and I just want to represent and not look like the Grinch house. Maybe we will pick up some more things after the holiday when they are on clearance, but this year we just want pretty and nice. Next year we can start on potential self induced electrocution like the Griswald's did. We will pace ourselves. We have to admit - it is nice to have a display like that across the street. You can just peek out the window and be reminded of the fun.