Thursday, December 6, 2007

St. Nick's Eve

Last night we hung the stockings in hopes that St. Nick would find us in our new home. St. Nick is not Santa. Each year I have this conversation with the kids because they ask. SuperStar gets that they are different people and she is now assisting Spidey to better understand. Babers doesn't really care who it is - he was just glad to have chocolate coins - little bugger figured it out and how to unwrap them within 2 minutes of receiving them! St. Nick was born in 271 AD. He is the patron Saint of Sailors. During his living years he was known to save children and help the downtrodden. It is believed that he and his helper, Black Pete, would bestow gifts upon children who left their shoes out at night. Gold coins, tangerines and such. Today the tradition continues. In our home St. Nick brings things you can use - not toys. Last night he brought a pen to the olders, a Brownie Sash for SuperStar and nice shirts for both the boys. Plus the gold coins and a tangerine. No one wants to eat an orange here, but they all ate the tangerines. Hmmm.... Well, this year they asked a good question. If St. Nick is dead then who brings the gifts? My answer was that the gifts are left by someone who is channeling the spirit of St. Nick and the meaning of his good deeds. Apparently none of them understood what I meant, but no one asked me to elaborate. Instead I received a split second of dumb found silence followed by a knowing nod from SuperStar (she does this for show sometimes) when she then explained to Spidey that I meant a Spirit comes in and does it, you know like Casper, and then a blatant subject jumping occurred from Spidey to discuss the cereal they were eating. It's all good.

Then - tonight, after the kids went to bed, it began to snow again. Our second one. Yea for here!!

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