Sunday, December 30, 2007

Basement Update

It is so nice to not be doing anything - well, not that we aren't doing anything, but we are doing whatever we want (well, except Babers who has this communication problem and regardless of what we are doing he always seems to want to be doing something else - which causes him to spend time in the stroller because if unleashed he will take off - so we have tried to do things that he wants to do too, like the chase me all around the universe game and figure out what I am saying before I have a complete meltdown and start screaming and attracting attention - great game). One of the things we are doing each day is the arranging the new stuff task. Each day our new stuff needs to find a forever home - only we need the basement to be able to help things find permanency. Like the big game table we got the family (huge hit - air hockey is constantly being played - however, not such a huge hit with me since it is sitting in the foyer). We arrange the new things, rearrange the new things, go out and buy more new things with our gift cards, find a place for those new things, re-rearrange the other new things to accommodate the newest new things - and the torture goes on and on. This rearranging has made me long for my new craft room (not because I need to put my stuff somewhere, but because it has a door and I will be able to go into it, stamp things for all of you and find a moment of sanity where no one will bother me - ah...okay, I am not deluding myself - they will find me and there isn't a lock on the door, hmmm......remind myself to talk to Tony about putting a lock on the door). Anyway, in thinking of the basement I remembered that a few people asked how it is going and I thought I would post some updated pics. We would be done, but people keep passing away, funerals need to be attended, this awful cold swished through and we lost workers for a bit, there were two holidays, plus there was the snow (but we are not complainging about any snow - ever), our contractors son had a concussion playing hockey so he was gone a bit for dr. visits(remind myself none of the kids can play hockey if they ask later) the list goes on - all of it is legitimate, it is just that weird everything happens at once thing. Right now they are doing the finish work - doors, trim, lights, drop ceiling in the bedroom, stairs, carpet, etc. We are hoping it will be done by the end of this week, but there is the New Year holiday and I think that might make it last into the next week. Not all bad - while I wouldn't mind walking around in my pj's and looking sloppy again (okay, again - who am I deluding - they have been around enough that they have seen the "real me" on occassion when they got here super early), but it is also nice to have grown ups living in my basement all day just in case I need to talk to someone - even if they do make jokes and take BigGuys side most of the time. Plus, I have learned to make super good coffee (so they tell me - really, I make it so that they don't leave to go get some - time saver you know).

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