We are trying to re-educate them on the use of games - our concept to do this is very unique - you may want to try this as it is really working - we are actually playing the games with the kiddos. We are doing Family Night on Sundays (this is a non-negotiable time where we are all together doing something - right now the non-negotiable time is meant to keep BigGuy and I in line as there are always things that need to be done, later when the kids are teens it will be non-negotiable for them) and we find that since we have broken out the games they are starting to be used appropriately (well, maybe we are fooling ourselves, but we feel better about the fact that they are at least being used for what they were created for in addition to the other creative uses the kids have found).
This is SuperStars fav game - Twister. I was left out because apparently someone has to be the spinner. Honestly, I didn't mind because I got to take pictures to share.
Surprisingly this game is one the Entire Family can play. See Babers there in the front? Did you see him in the last pic? He randomly inserts himself into whatever position everyone else is in - although he moves completely and doesn't have his hands or feet on anything we have called. But he is in there and he is having fun. When Spidey fell out Babers also made himself fall to the ground and said, "I out".
Then there were two. BigGuy really gave it his all to hang with SuperStar (or he at least did a great acting job when he lost his balance).
In the end SuperStar was our Twister Champ - how could she not be? Look at that flexibility!!