Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Piece of Cake

This weekend we were blessed with a visit from more of our family. What was extra special about this visit is they weren't repeaters. Lucky for us most of our friends and family have been to visit repeated times. However, not everyone is close enough to do this and this past weekend BigGuys little brother and his family came up from the center of MO. As an added bonus, BigGuy's dad came up from just outside of STL too. Credit for this visit belongs to my sis-in-law and myself. We were selfishly seeking to attend the Hearts at Home convention - so while the guys were visiting and playing with the kids we snuck away for the day and attended the conference (more about that later today on my blog - can't do it all at once and there is so much catch up to do and so much getting ready for our weekend away this holiday weekend).

We are excited every time family come to stay - the kids are beside themselves excited everytime a cousin comes to stay and SuperStar has a special place for CuznA1 because they are a year apart and both pretty girlie with a rough house side. Spidey has a special place for any of the girls, but I think secretly enjoyed that CuznA2 would listen to him (when she chose to). Babers loved having CuznJ - same height - same language - same diaper dependancy. Household Exec (my sis-in-law) and I enjoyed the day - BigGuy, TW and Dad all enjoyed reconnecting - and well, the kids loved playing together - So to celebrate us we celebrated with cake (and repeated trips to Starbucks - as a side note, it was nice to have others who understand and appreciate a jonesin' for that chain)...........


Morgan said...

What's a "jonesin'?"


Household Executive said...

we had a blast!

HalfPint said...

To "jones" for something means that you are really craving/needing it.