Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yea Super Kids!!

No posts this week - I have been super sick with Strep and it has pretty much wiped me out. BigGuy was a saint and worked from home while keeping an eye on me and handling Babers (who was weirdly good - he must be feeling poorly too). However, the Super Kids have been working hard at school - they both brought home report cards this week and...........

Straight A's for both of them!!!!

Being in Kindergarten Spidey gets graded on a 1,2,3 & -, /, + basis - so while they weren't A's they were All 3's and All +'s (except for two / which were for listening - imagine that).

SuperStar gets graded on the traditional D,C,B,A & -,/,+ scale - she received All A's (4 of the 10 being A+'s) and All +'s. Her PE teacher noted that she has Great Balance in gymnastics - SuperStar has taken this as confirmation that her career path should be in the circus as a trapeze artist.

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