Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Forgot some Mooews

So we totally forgot to mention that we had some more newbie visitors. DS and her two boys, AS & TS, came to visit the few days before Easter. They were on spring break and our kiddo's had Friday off so we played.

We went to the Cheese Farm and they got to meet the babies - apparently babies are always being born on a dairy farm - then we saw the teenage cows (who aren't quite ready for milking) and we was the adult cows - the boys asked where all the boy cows were and we explained veal to them.

We had to explain that quietly though - baby cows don't need to hear about veal.

We were chased around by a big turkey - and he is not just big, I should apologize to him - he is a HUGE turkey. Gargantuan (sp?) turkey!! We were never really certain what he wanted, but he was patiently trying to convey it to us.

Aside from dairy farm excitement they kids all jumped on the trampoline. Then we made some pizza from scratch (ask and I will give you our dough recipe - wonderful and from my friend CC).

It was a lot of fun. The kids all hung out and did really well together and we had a great visit. Next time we will need their whole family to come - I don't think BigGuy enjoyed the part where we cut stamps or talked about stamping stuff. I believe he would have liked a beer partner.

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