Monday, April 14, 2008

Sometimes You Do Things You Don't Want....

We have done a lot of blogs about Babers lately, but it will all balance out eventually. Really, while the base of this blog is related to him - the blog itself is about my experience (I don't get much face time on this blog so see where the balancing is happening?). Last Friday night I was invited to a jewelry party. Now, those of you who know me see me wear jewelry how often? While I do like cute little dangle earrings and I do like bracelets (although I never wear them because I am always on Mom Duty and bracelets don't go well since water is generally involved in most Mom Duty jobs) - necklaces aren't my thing unless I am dressing up. So in general - money spent on jewelry seems like money miss spent (although as a gift I wouldn't mind you all surprising me). Given all that you can imagine my interest in this party. However, I did mention to a neighbor that I was going. This party was given by another neighbor. She is nice, has kids and stays home with them. While her kiddo's are on the younger end, they could be potential playmates for Babers. Still....I decided not to go. Then BigGuy suggested I do go because I might meet other neighbors and he (BigGuy) is very shy and felt that the more neighbors I meet the better off he will be in the end - because I will get invited to things that he will be invited to and he will meet some of the neighbors (although our new dog Sunny is helping us with that because she keeps running off and neighbors help us detain her). So then I leaned toward going - and still decided not to. Then my friend SS weighed in and said I should go (but also said it was up to me). So then I leaned toward going, phoned the hostess and told her I was going - then I decided not to go, only I had called last minute to go and would have looked like a dope not going so I went. With the exception of one neighborhood person and her two sister in laws - everyone there was from her Lady Wellness fitness center. The neighbor I expected to be there never showed (no biggie I already know her). The new neighbor turned out to be very nice and I will search her out in the future - but the real stroke of good luck is - guess who the hostess' sister in law probably didn't guess - it is related to Babers (that was the hint) - now can you get it? Her sis in law is Babers swim instructor!!!! Not kidding. At first she didn't look very interested in talking to me (can't imagine why). However, I figured if I made friends with her she couldn't kick us out of class. And I was right!! By the end of our conversation (we talked about how Babers really doesn't belong in the class - he is too immature to listen to the directions of how to swim -he is so gungho about the water that he does need to learn to swim at least by floating on his back). So she is in for helping him figure it out. Yea!!!! Sometimes you do things you don't want to and then they turn out to be totally beneficial!!

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