Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our kids this morning on thier First Day of Summer Break.

If you click on the cartoon it will enlarge and you can read the parents response to the joy - it truly is accurate.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Summers Start!!

Today is the VERY LAST HOUR OF SCHOOL!!! You are probably thinking - well, of course the last day has a last hour of school - but that is not exactly what we mean. Here, in our new district, we have a Last Full Day of School (which was yesterday) and then a Last Hour of School (which was this morning). Yes, Last Hour of School. So what happens is all the parents get up really early with the kids and get them ready for school (like every other school day) - then the buses run the entire route to pick up all the kids and bring them to school (like every other school day) - then the kids basically spend one hour playing on the playground (at least Spidey's class did) or having class award ceremonies (like SuperStars class did). Then the buses come back (I was honestly suprised they left at all for only and hour - we don't have tiered bussing here yet so they could have simply hung out) and pick the kids up and take them back home. Seriously. One Hour of School. There were popsicles, candy, awards, report cards - plus the older kids from the middle school came back to hug and greet their teachers (because apparently none of them actually attend the Last Hour of School.

Now, my wonderment is - because after I dropped the kids off I filled the van's tank up at a cost of $62 - how much did the Last Hour of School cost the district in gas?

Hello Summer Vacation!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthdays

We want to shout out a Happy Birthday to BigGuys sister - SN - she is the beautiful woman pictured here.

Also - Happy Birthday to my friend, MJ. She is the one on my left (your right) - I am the one in the middle and BG is the one on my right (your left). She is the gorgeous red head - is that easier?

Plus Belated Happy Birthdays to my sister, B. She is the pretty one in this picture.

And to my step-mom, Grandma J. She doesn't fancy her photos, but doesn't she look pretty?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day - Part II

Memorial Day - Part I

We had a great weekend this past holiday. We went to friends homes, we spent time outside, we made plans to get things done that were never completed. We completed other things that weren't on the list. The normal stuff.

Friday was the Talent Show - then we went for ice cream - then home and off on a bike ride. It was pretty chilly, but we biked the 5 mile loop anyway. BigGuy and I watched 'Lars and the Real Girl' (if you haven't - rent it). Saturday morning we made our "list". It was not even that ambitious - sand the furniture in the kids room, well, break down the furniture - then sand it -, I had to decorate a cake for that night - mix the icing for the cake to be decorated the next day - BigGuy had fixing the mower on his list - we went to the store for supplies (both grocery and hardware). I sanded down most of the furniture. The kids played. Then while BigGuy took two with him I rearranged the garage (not on the list, but it was an added bonus to get done - my side not the "shop" side, but my side was where I am refinishing furniture). Then we walked over to friends, the B's, for a Fire Pit party. There was a very yummy dessert, my cake and some fab cookies. Fire going, the kids did sparklers. Our walk home was beautiful - stars everywhere. It was gorgeous. Sunday we went to the H's house for a bbq. Great food, drinks, dessert, kids to play with our kids - and we ended up being there for over 6 hours! It was a lot of fun. That is what the pics are from. That night I deco'd the cake and the kids flopped into bed (resisting of course - and asleep in 5 minutes). Monday we decided to stay to ourselves - have a Family Day. We delivered the cake, went and picked up teacher gifts and then picked up some picnic food and headed to the park to hang on our favorite playground - where we saw our friends the B's!! So instead we spent our park day with friends. It was a nice surprise we didn't plan. Spidey and BigGuy went to play putt putt with the B men, the girls and Babers all headed to another playground. It was a treat - those pictures are in the above slide. Then home to try to accomplish some of the things on the list that had been forgotten!

We are still working on that list!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Talent Show

As always our girl SuperStar loves to be on stage! This past Friday was her chance to shine yet again. This time it was through a duet with a classmate. Both girls are seasoned singers (if you can call a 3rd grader that) and with the help of MP's mom found the perfect song to do a duet to. Forever Friends. MP had a bit of a bobble at the start, but once they got going they were both very loud and clear and also very Beautiful! BigGuy and I were super proud of SuperStar. There were many other kiddo's who got on stage and dared to sing - but almost all of them used a back up track that allowed them to sink into the sound of the acclaimed singer who made the song big. With the exception of MT. She sang a Jack Johnson song - used her guitar to play the music herself and sang at the same time. Very impressive!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Life is a Carousel

A week ago today Spidey and I went on his class room field trip to our local ZOO. Now, we are from STL and it has one of the bestest (the only right way to describe it) ZOO's in the nation (perhaps we are biased, but my friend MJB told me this once and she used to work for the SanDiego Wildlife park (correct me if I am wrong MJB)). Anyway, given the tiny nature of our new towns zoo I was pretty certain the day was going to drag on forever. I mean, seriously, this zoo is like Noah's Ark - there are two of each animal they own (not really, some of the animals have died and there are only 1 of each animal) - with those kinda numbers how long can one last at a zoo? To my surprise a long time!

We started the day by riding the bus to our destination. Fun. Spidey and his friend CH were my partners. Their little tushies made the ride bearable. Then we immediately ate lunch. It was super windy and cold and just finished being rainy which added a super chill (it was kinda a downer for a picnic). Not much fun. However, through out lunch we sang and acted a little silly. There were 5 kids in my group and I had charge of them - but they were on a field trip the zoo so I let them run a bit and act silly (that was fun and uplifting). Swear to goodness - another mom came over and corrected the kids with me there like I didn't know what I was doing, basically reprimanding me for letting them goof. Told them to eat their lunch - looked at their lunches (I guess to point out what they needed to eat) and then realized they were pretty much done - I did think "nah nah" for a second (she was kinda a downer). A teacher came over too - apparently my kids were "out of control!!", but once she saw they were done eating she said, "Oh, great you guys are all done." smiled at me and walked away. I don't think our teacher would have bothered me - she trusts me.

Off to the park - after a very very very long potty break. Every kid went and I entertained those waiting with "If you are Happy and You Know it". We touched the ground, jumped around, roared like lions, barked like cats (they thought that was funny) and so on. It helped (and it was uplifting and fun) because that mom from the other class would probably have come over had we continued to stand in line and didn't look organized. Once to the playground for some wild time a kiddo walked up to Mrs.R (our teach) and I and said the obvious, "I have to go to the bathroom!" To which we said the obvious, "But we just went, didn't you go?" To which he said the obvious, "No." So I took him. As I am waiting for him another lady came up with her son - also on a field trip. Then we heard crying. I said to her, "I think your kiddo is crying." and out he came happy as came be and said, "That boy is crying." So in I went. We all know what is next right? He wet his pants (total downer). I assured him that everyone has accidents like this (I was thinking of Spidey and just a few days earlier) - he asked "who" and I hesitated telling him "who" so I just said everyone, even his mom and dad. To which he said, "no way" and I pointed out how after long rides isn't his mom the first one to run to the bathroom? He agreed. I said that was because she held it almost too long. He was cheered. I called his mom on my cell and asked her to meet us at the front of the zoo with fresh clothes. I think I freaked her out by saying, "Hi this is Patti, Spidey's mom. Well, I am on the field trip and I am afraid that you kiddo had an accident." All was good though. We disguised his wet spot with his jacket and I told him no one would know and I would hang with him until his mom got there. He was totally down and embarrassed. We told Mrs.R - she thanked me and assured him - we hung back. Some kids asked him to come on the slide and he said, "No, I had an accident." Really quiet like. Then, when he realized they didn't really care he screamed it - guess he wasn't so terribly concerned about all the kids knowing. It was touching that he wanted me to stay and be his protector. And I did, Spidey didn't seem to care. Now he and I are buds forever (very uplifting).

The rest of the day was us going from animal to animal - the tour guide was great. The biggest hit of all for the kids was the carousel. Again - in STL we had the coolest new carousel with all the endangered animals of the world on it. They were bigger then me and I could have ridden them without fear of breaking the thing. This carousel is terribly cute, but not much bigger then the one at ChuckECheese (okay, 6 times bigger). Anyway, as I watched the kids take turns I realized that they were going up and down and up and down - just like the trip - good things, not so good, good things and life is just like that - up and down - cold lunch, fun lunch, wet pants, dry pants, new friends, old friends, big zoo, small intimate zoo, up and down.

Gotta go get Babers - he is up now.

Just Like Home

This weekend showed BigGuy and I that we are pretty much settled in. Yes, you would think that after almost a year we would be settled in - but there was a lot of change that all 5 of us have had to go through to get to settled. The biggest change for us (as we say in many blogs) was/is being away from our family and friends. It is very hard not to be part of everything that those in STL are doing - yet at the same time it is overwhelming to think about trying to participate in it and to think about the fact that we aren't participating in it. However, these days (with the average price of a gallon of gas being $3.90 here) it is easy not to want to spend the money to drive there - then we have only the guilt of not even wanting to try.

So why do we feel settled in? Well, Friday after school SuperStar and Spidey had playdates over. Yes, we have had playdates (many) within the past year - however somehow SuperStar fanagled 3 playdates to Spideys 1 playdate. That had 6 kids running through the house. Then the girls from SuperStars group and Spidey all wanted to invite the two boys across the street (this was not a crush thing I was assured, although one did admit to a crush on one of the boys from years ago when they were only in Kindergarten). So that added 2 more =ing 8 altogether. The chaos of Sunny eating the sweet treat I baked for all these kiddo's made it seem like there were yet a few more kids - heck, the noise they made seemed like there were at least 20 kids - but the point to it was that it was like having the huge gaggle of kids that we used to have in STL. Then, after they were picked up and the boys across the street took Spidey and SuperStar with them - BigGuy and I were left with Babers and we went for a walk. Just like in STL when our children were kindly taken by friends for a bit. While walking we met some people who just adopted a toddler from Africa and made new friends. After finishing our walk we landed at the neighbors to collect them - to find that more friends were there with their kids getting ready to set up for a garage sale the next day - drinks were given out to the adults - more adults arrived - other friends were phoned and showed up for a beverage and the next thing you knew it was an unplanned get together with friends we were enjoying. Just Like Home. The next morning we walked the yard sale and the kids ran off with the others in a gaggle around the neighborhood.

After a short rest SuperStar and I walked the rest of the yard sales. We stopped at a friends house, got a drink of water, set up some walking dates and hung a bit. we weren't expected, but we were welcomed. And it was nice. A little later Nanny showed up for a visit. She bestowed gifts on the kiddos and then after a bit sent BigGuy and I off to do nothing in particular while she held down the fort. Just like she did when we were in STL. Later the kids did a little playset circus for us all and we went to dinner. Later still BigGuy and Nanny took the olders to see movies and stay up super late. A treat for all of them I think. It was nice. Nanny kept her video camera around and took pictures of things - did crafts with the kids - loved their noise and craziness. BigGuy and I loved that there was someone else to be the target of their never ending noise and affection.

Nanny and my mom often took the kids so that we could do things that weren't necessarily needed - and now whenever they come to visit they do the same - we went to dinner when my mom was here last week - we went shopping this week. It is a nice treat. And it felt Just Like Home. In all the weekends are starting to feel very much like they did a year ago. Friends that we can just drop in on, people who don't care so much what we look like, but rather just that we are there - children that our kids can run with and we feel safe they are playing with - and our family hanging around and not wanting anymore then to spend time with us. It was very nice - It is very nice - It is Home.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

You Are Special To Me

SuperStar & Spidey's teachers are "Buddies". That means that their classes do things together and that I suppose they share ideas. Both classes made painted pots with flowers in them for the parents - Both classes also did a questionnaire about why their Mom is Special to them. Here is what they said -

Spidey -
My moms name is Patty. She is blank years old and has blue eyes and brown hair.

My moms always says "No". Her favorite food is Broccolli. She cooks the best Pizza. My mom really loves me, my sister and my dad. My mom and I like to take walks with the dogs.

My moms favorite clothes to wear are Jeans and a Shirt. My mom is beautiful because of her eyes.

All day my mom takes care of Babers because he screams a lot.

I Love You! Spidey.

SuperStar -
Fun, exciting, lovable & kind.

Mother of
SuperStar, Spidey & Babers

Family and Ice Cream

Who feels happy when
She has Ice Cream

Who feels sad when
When she sees us sad

Who fears

Who would like to see
Her Children Happy

My mother's full name is
Pattricia Margaret

My mother's weight is
Maybe 98 Pounds

My mothers height is
5 feet

My mothers birth date is
March 3rd

My mothers age is

My mothers eyes are

My mothers favorite television show is

My mothers favorite movie is

My mothers hobby is
Crafts and Baking

My mothers famous saying is
"Pay Attention!"

What I do that really gets Mom mad is
When I don't pay attention during piano

If Mom had three wishes they would be:
A life time supply of ice cream
A thousand dollars
Her family to always be happy

One word that describes my Mother is

Their answers are completely perfect - although I have never even seen Flika and don't think I care to, hardly like to watch Oprah, would wish for much more then a thousand dollars and ice cream (although the family happy part is dead on), neither of them seems to know how to spell my name - however, I am glad that she knows exactly how much I weigh and that Spidey thinks I have beautiful eyes. I am a very blessed Mom!

Happy Mothers Day!!

We had a very busy weekend - well, I had a very busy weekend and a Lovely Mothers Day!!

My Mother's day started on Friday when I attended a Mother's Tea in Spidey's class. They did a production of several numbers (one is in the previous post from YouTube) and then presented us with photos of ourselves, a handprint poem and a lovely self decorated pot with an Impatient in it (I find the choice of "Impatience" somewhat apprapo - and probably a little "funny" sent by the teachers to us, I will have to ask). The singing was absolutely adorable! And the book they made us about what they know about us was just as cute. I have those informational tidbits listed above.

After the Tea I dropped the kiddo's off at home and then headed to Springfield, IL to meet up with some friends. They primarily came from STL, but one is from Central, IL also. We hung out in our super nice hotel room, went to a very nice dinner and then sat back at the hotel having a few drinks and really enjoying one another. In the morning we slept late (9:30am!!), had breakfast, cleaned up, checked out and then goofed around in downtown Springfield hitting a few novelty shops and looking at some Lincoln historic sites. Very fun!

Once home I was happy to find my neice and my mom had already arrived. We hung around the house, then they took the kiddo's to Chuck E Cheese - BigGuy and I tried a new local restaurant (great appetizer, good salad, awful entree and better then average dessert) - came home and wondered where the family was - got a call they were lost - redirected them - waited - got a call they were still lost - redirected them (they said they were going toward some lights - hmm....) - then I called them, they were at Culvers - redirected them because I finally knew where they were - they made it home. The next day, when Mom, MG, SuperStar and I were headed out for a little Mom shopping - Spidey pulled me aside and said, "Well, don't let Granma drive, you will be gone forever and never make it home." Given that advise I drove. We shopped, plants, Bath & Body, fabric store, looked for rhubarb and Lowes. Played some UNO at home, SuperStar made us lunch, we lazed a bit, BigGuy smoked some tenderloin, SuperStar made us Strawberry Shortcake and we had a somewhat late, but delicious feast.

It was a Lovely Mothers Day!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Visit to the Wax Museum

Yesterday was the big day - The 3rd Grade Wax Museum!! This is kinda like the big culminating project for the 3rd Graders. Costumes galore - speeches ready - shadow boxes by their side - and roasting marshmallows taped to index cards with the words "push me" at each figures station. The kiddo's stood behind their desks (or sat) and when a visitor pushed their marshmallow they came to life and began talking and giving you their speech about their person. SuperStar did Sakakawea (Sacajawea). Initially I was going to post her giving her speech - however, add in parents of 24 kids and then add in a few classes of 4th and 5th graders and what happens is you really can't hear a darn thing!! So instead I took some pics of the kids. Only a few though - got most of my Girl Scouts and then a few boys that Andersen hangs with. It was very cute - and.........we made her costume with our very own hands (and Morgan's)!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who Would-a-Thought

A year ago who would-a-thought that this is the scenery we would find from our balcony? Not us. Yet here we are - 11 months living in our new home, experiencing spring for the very first time - and watching our kids jump on the trampoline while cows graze in the pasture behind them. Who would-a-thought it?

Funny little ending note (literally). A few moments after I took these pictures the olders began to scream "gross!!" and scramble towards the zipper of the trampoline enclosure. Apparently Babers diaper, while reliable, doesn't hold in chunks of poopie when a toddler is jumping and bouncing on a trampoline. Remind me to write the company - they really should test all scenarios!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sacajewea (pronounced Sakakawea)

The end of the school year is slightly more elaborate now then I remember as a kiddo. The third grade is putting on a Wax Museum - there will be a Talent Show the Friday before the end of the Year - the Kindergarten class is hosting a Mothers Day Tea - Kindergarten is also doing something EVERY day to celebrate the last few days of class (gum day, Clifford day, hat day, etc.) - and then there are the traditional Track & Field, Game Days, etc. Even the last day is different - there is a Last Full Day on Thursday and then the Last Day - which is only 1 hr. long!! Seriously - starts at 8:10 and gets out at 9:10. So....this weekend we worked on some of the homework that SuperStar had - her Sacajewea Wax Museum project. This involved making a Shadow Box about Sacajewea, a speach (which she did in class) and finding a costume made our of household stuff to transform her into Sacajewea.

We were lucky enough to have Nona (Morgan), our neighbor from STL, here visiting us. She is as creative as SuperStar and I are and she knows how to sew much better then I do (although she did encourage me to do a lot of the sewing myself and she supervised me - until we got to the papoose - yes, we made a papoose).

Late on Sunday (because we had the day filled) we started on the simple sewing project. It really was easy - then SuperStar said, "Oh, I need a papoose for Pomp." Then we got our thinking caps on, started to create what seemed like a mess and turned into a small creative masterpiece. Once we were done with the sewing parts SuperStar took over and did the Indian Designing on the fabric. These pictures show the process - once she performs the Wax Museum at school on Thursday we will show the finished product. It really did turn out Super Cute! and all for $4!!

Thank You Nona!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Girl Scout Daddy

We had a Girl Scout meeting this past Tuesday. There is only one more meeting - our Bridging Ceremony - a camp trip - and then we are done for the summer. Since we are so close to the end we are working on finishing up the Try-It's (badges to you non-GS type). Apparently it is Try-It's for Brownies and Badges for Jr. Girl Scouts and up. One of the badges we are finishing is a Sports Try-It. SuperStar and the other girls have to complete 4 tasks for each badge. The sports badge included Octopus Tag, Hiking, random games we played to get their bodies moving - and a Mini Basketball Clinic that BigGuy designed and took the girls through - with the aid of my co-leaders hubby.

They are our Girl Scout Daddy's. And, seriously, they are registered Girl Scouts. At the end of the evening, sitting in our circle, singing Day Is Done, Gone the Sun, we also turned to thank BigGuy and Mr.B. - the girls did the "Thank You" and then I added "Thank you for being part of our troop" - to which a girl quickly replied, "Well they aren't really part of our troop". "They sure are! They filled out the paperwork and paid the $10 to be a troop assistant" (okay I filled out BigGuys, but he knew I was doing it).

Now - I kid you not - this brought about jeering, teasing, belly laughing and pointing from our girls!! They taunted BigGuy and Mr.B. for a few moments - until we distracted them by telling them it isn't polite, boys can be Girl Scouts too and then changing the subject. I also noted - next year we are going to work on equal rights for boys with our girls.