Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!!

We had a very busy weekend - well, I had a very busy weekend and a Lovely Mothers Day!!

My Mother's day started on Friday when I attended a Mother's Tea in Spidey's class. They did a production of several numbers (one is in the previous post from YouTube) and then presented us with photos of ourselves, a handprint poem and a lovely self decorated pot with an Impatient in it (I find the choice of "Impatience" somewhat apprapo - and probably a little "funny" sent by the teachers to us, I will have to ask). The singing was absolutely adorable! And the book they made us about what they know about us was just as cute. I have those informational tidbits listed above.

After the Tea I dropped the kiddo's off at home and then headed to Springfield, IL to meet up with some friends. They primarily came from STL, but one is from Central, IL also. We hung out in our super nice hotel room, went to a very nice dinner and then sat back at the hotel having a few drinks and really enjoying one another. In the morning we slept late (9:30am!!), had breakfast, cleaned up, checked out and then goofed around in downtown Springfield hitting a few novelty shops and looking at some Lincoln historic sites. Very fun!

Once home I was happy to find my neice and my mom had already arrived. We hung around the house, then they took the kiddo's to Chuck E Cheese - BigGuy and I tried a new local restaurant (great appetizer, good salad, awful entree and better then average dessert) - came home and wondered where the family was - got a call they were lost - redirected them - waited - got a call they were still lost - redirected them (they said they were going toward some lights - hmm....) - then I called them, they were at Culvers - redirected them because I finally knew where they were - they made it home. The next day, when Mom, MG, SuperStar and I were headed out for a little Mom shopping - Spidey pulled me aside and said, "Well, don't let Granma drive, you will be gone forever and never make it home." Given that advise I drove. We shopped, plants, Bath & Body, fabric store, looked for rhubarb and Lowes. Played some UNO at home, SuperStar made us lunch, we lazed a bit, BigGuy smoked some tenderloin, SuperStar made us Strawberry Shortcake and we had a somewhat late, but delicious feast.

It was a Lovely Mothers Day!!

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