Friday, May 30, 2008

Summers Start!!

Today is the VERY LAST HOUR OF SCHOOL!!! You are probably thinking - well, of course the last day has a last hour of school - but that is not exactly what we mean. Here, in our new district, we have a Last Full Day of School (which was yesterday) and then a Last Hour of School (which was this morning). Yes, Last Hour of School. So what happens is all the parents get up really early with the kids and get them ready for school (like every other school day) - then the buses run the entire route to pick up all the kids and bring them to school (like every other school day) - then the kids basically spend one hour playing on the playground (at least Spidey's class did) or having class award ceremonies (like SuperStars class did). Then the buses come back (I was honestly suprised they left at all for only and hour - we don't have tiered bussing here yet so they could have simply hung out) and pick the kids up and take them back home. Seriously. One Hour of School. There were popsicles, candy, awards, report cards - plus the older kids from the middle school came back to hug and greet their teachers (because apparently none of them actually attend the Last Hour of School.

Now, my wonderment is - because after I dropped the kids off I filled the van's tank up at a cost of $62 - how much did the Last Hour of School cost the district in gas?

Hello Summer Vacation!!!

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