Sunday, June 22, 2008

Henry's Faire

Well, we suppose this could have been any English Faire - not specifically Henry's, but since I have been reading books about Henry's 6 wives (poor girls) it fits as being a fair. They had families who came from York, Scotland, the 1200's, the 1800's - there were folk who were from the woods (elves, fairies, pixies - these are all different just ask them) - there were maids, lords, Kings, Ladies, tree men and weirdly there were characters that didn't really belong - a scarey Ninja, a few women who looked like they were going for Cat Woman and then various other odd getups. However - we had fun. We tried on elf ears, hats, horns, used bow and arrows, watched jousting, lost a child for 20 minutes (Spidey - he didn't leave us the rest of the day), learned how a household in 1200 ran and also their townships and how they supported one another (very interesting), we learned what the men's under drawers look like and ate foods that I am pretty sure Henry did not have at court. It was fun.

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