Friday, June 6, 2008

First Swim

It is Pool Time again! We are a swimming family. This week started our outdoor swim season. A whole winter of swim lessons has made a huge difference and this year the olders have almost free range in the pool. There are three levels - toddler, medium depth with slide & lazy river and then the deep end with a big slide and diving board. This year Babers is doggy paddling (can you believe that?) and we can manage going to all areas of the pool - although we fancy him in the middle or toddler area due to his still scaring the pants off of adults when he plunges in (until he comes to the surface and then swims to the side - seriously he is already swimming to the side!). The first few days were a bit cold, but the pool is heated, so it made it more bearable.

Babers loves the playground in the middle of his fav pool.

and fortunately for me the olders take turns playing with the younger sib. Gives me a smidge of a second to talk to whatever friend is around.

This section - the spray fountain area is the Coldest part - this must be straight from the tap and it is freezing - the spray that floats through the air is unbearable. At least for adults.

Spidey is a total fish - and he HAD TO HAVE this swim shirt. He loves this swim shirt - he thinks it is the coolest thing ever. I liked it too thinking how much easier it would be to find a kid with a white swim shirt on in the pool - only apparently the swim shirt is now all the rage because there are tons of boys and girls in the pool with swim shirts!

SuperStar is a flash in the pool sight these days. She is enjoying the deep pool and has been making fast friends with many kids - when she doesn't run into someone from school. She is becoming a fish and a tanned beaut. I guess the Mermaids GS camp was the perfect pick for her this summer!

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