Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 6th of July!!

Not much time to make posts on the blog when there are back to back adventures to attend to. Add in a little everyday life and you have yourself a downhill slide of time loss. However, we had a very relaxing 4th and 5th of July! We started our holiday weekend on the 3rd though - weird, eh? Well, our neighborhood did their annual 4th of July Parade on the 3rd. The kids waited to the last minute to try to figure out what they were going to dress up as to enter the bike portion of the race. In the end I threatened to throw them into the back of the truck instead. This completely excited them and they abandoned the thoughts of their bikes, decorated the truck, invited some neighbors on board, jumped in to toss candy to the crowd (only one child was hit by candy - good jobs kids!!) and enjoyed the heck out of themselves. Following the parade we went to the M's for a potluck of delish dishes, playtime and fireworks. It was a fun time!

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