Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Papa & Gramma Day

Is it possible to have a Monday on a Wednesday? Because we totally are here. The weather is gorgeous - so that is good - however, the rest of the day has been more wonkey then Willie's Chocolate Factory. Woke up early and energetic - kids were fine - then the TV broke - then the kids went nuts (not because of the TV, we have the big one still) - Babers climbed up as far as he could on the swing set, only I was half out the door with the heavy TV toward the curb (today is thankfully trash day) - Spidey kept complaining about clothes - my mom called to tell me stuff that I couldn't listen to because I was packing a picnic lunch - the cat tossed on the carpet - my music dealie wouldn't work for me - Babers was having meltdowns super early - we couldn't find our friends at the library even though we were all there..........deep breath......there is an upside - we had fun at the library - I bumped into an old friend (if you can say someone you have known for 1 year is an "old" friend) - we finally found the friends we intended to meet - I got rid of the TV in the living room and now we are back to only 1 TV (much easier to monitor the use of) - and I finally got this slide done.

This is the first day of our vaca - our day with Papa & Gramma.

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