Friday, September 12, 2008

The Middle Guy

Lately I get to brag on the kids a lot. Today I have a quickie about Spidey. He forgets EVERYTHING!!! His teacher and I email each other almost daily trying to solve this trait he has inherited (not from me). Yet he is incredibly smart - he can even spell Principal!! So today when I went in to talk to his teacher about something we got to joking about his forgetfulness (her hubby has the same trait). Then she said something else - there was an incident with another student not getting on the bus. Spidey was assigned to help her get there because she is a neighbor of ours. Only she never made it. His teacher told me she had assigned him because he is the most trust worthy and bright student in the class. She said that in her ledgers she has written that he is the "Go To" student for questions any sub might have.

How Cool Is That? He is the Reliable Kid!!

What happened with the little girl? Well, Spidey started to take her to the bus, but she said her parents didn't tell her to ride the bus. True, her mom emailed the teacher and asked her to make sure she rode the bus. So Spidey told her the teacher asked him to make sure she was on the bus. The little girl said no and Spidey let her go - she is a very strong willed girl, much like our friend Tata in STL. The little girl was fine. She ended up back in the teachers room and her parents were phoned. There was a convo later about why she needs to listen to what her teacher has told her.

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