Friday, April 9, 2010

No Really I am a Total Dork

So the other day my friend CB brought her sister, B, over to my house. B reads my blog (I am sure when CB makes her) and that technically means that she is one of my "Readers". Although to even type that out loud makes me feel like a Total Dork because that means that in some way I find that Really Really Cool!! To think that someone would actually choose to spend any of their personal time reading the goofy things that I put up on my blog!! And to think that the person might come back a SECOND TIME to do it is just beyond me.

But it is enough to tickle me completely Pink. She isn't even related to me. Although I talk to CB enough and follow her around enough that CB may as well be family.....which means that B is kinda like extended family I never met - until last Friday when CB brought her by. And then I introduced my family to her with our Blog Names..........which is kinda another indicator of how I am a Total Dork. Don't want to disappoint my readers and show up looking like a normal person in the flesh ya know.

Anyway....Thank you B! Thank you CB! That was super fun. And the next time you come into town B I want to go for the walk with you all. I would have barged into that walk if I hadn't felt like such a goof.

So any other "Readers" coming to town soon?

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