Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Keep Watching......She Keeps Changing

She is right there on the edge. Still a little close to being a woman physically......... she is terribly bright.....she is annoyingly funny.........she is tremendously caring.

I keep watching. She keeps changing.

She has begun putting things together for herself..........she has figured out when it is best to be helpful......she knows when to step up and take the lead.....she knows when to be a follower.

I keep watching. She keeps changing.

She doesn't need me as much anymore............she doesn't share all her secrets anymore......she has them to listen to her woes - silly - serious - ridiculous.......she has another life separate from mine now.

I keep watching. She keeps changing.

She still climbs trees..........she still makes crafts......she jumps on the trampoline and plays make believe.......only now she reads books that have an involved plot.....only now she has adult like goals.....only now she also listens to the radio and sings the songs with she relates.....and she probably does...only I don't know those thoughts anymore....because they are hers.....

I keep watching. She keeps changing.

She walks by and if I am not paying attention I can mistake her body for a woman's body......curves starting.......almost as tall as me......she is wearing my clothes and not drowning in them.....she is blooming.

I keep watching. She keeps changing.

She said to me the other day....."Mom I wish you had had my life when you were little because it is great and you would love it."

She makes me cry because she is my life.......and I am so lucky to have it......and I'll keep watching......and She'll keep changing.


Big Guy said...

Wonderfully written. Its easy to see where she gets her "amazingness".

Franchesca said...

Thank you for posting this twice. I'm not in the blogs so much right now but I'm so glad I read this. You captured this perfectly. It sounds like you're in the free fall of the change. I read your words and I can almost feel it. Beautiful.

mindy said...

Oh Half, that is so lovely. And so, so true. I feel it here every day. They are mine for such a short time . . .