Wednesday, May 19, 2010

eww eww eww eww eww

It has been a bit since we did an update on our hammies. No real reason except that once we finally figured out how to keep them from having babies we have just kinda had a normal Hammie Home. Then a few weeks ago it livened up again.

To be to the point..

I went to clean the Hammie houses. Cleaned the boys house first....normal...put them in their balls and they spent all their free time rolling into my leg. Not sure what they are trying to tell me....but that is what they do.

Opened up the girls house and ....... only one hammie. Curiosity (SuperStar named her) was there all happy and ready to get into her ball. Raven, however, was no where around. She is our escape artist so I wasn't completely surprised. I phoned BigGuy to let him know that she took off again. As we were talking I reached in to pick up Curiosity and put her in the ball and that is when I saw the fluff.

ewwww ewwww ewwww ewww!!!!!!!

Raven apparently did not escape. Raven died. Only there wasn't much of Raven get it right?

It was very hard to pick Curiosity up after that.

That night BigGuy broke it to SuperStar. It was after a discussion where we talked about what we would reveal about the whole thing. Obviously she was dead, but did we need to tell her that she was also eaten by her daughter? I wanted just dead, but we both knew how the conversation would go.

BigGuy, "SuperStar I have some bad news for you. Today Raven died."
SuperStar looked stunned......Spidey ran to the hammie house to see. SuperStar asked, "Can't I have her to bury her?" was the next question.
BigGuy responded with, "Well Curiosity ate most of her."

Really? That is the easy way to break it? I had to admit it was quick.....but not so comforting.

SuperStar cried....Spidey wanted to see.....and then all of a sudden SuperStar went to play a video game and they all kinda forgot.

The End.


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