Monday, May 24, 2010

Funny Shower Sayings II

The last time I posted about Shower Sayings it was BigGuy in the shower with TheKing. Usually the kids shower with BigGuy because it is convenient........well maybe not for him.......he is a big guy and the shower isn't that huge I guess it is only really convenient for me. So yesterday when I was showering at the end of the day - we had done a MILLION dirty type chores on a very "first of the year Hot day" - I remembered that TheKing had slipped through the "Time To Shower" child slot. He was loitering around outside the shower asking me questions about some super hero. I almost told him to go ask BigGuy because I know a very limited amount of super hero talk.......but instead I decided to be a good parent and clean the kid since he was so filthy. Yea me.

He stripped down and hopped in with his two super hero's. He was very sweet about sharing the water. His super hero guys were nice too. Mostly he ignored me - I soaped him down and figured the water would rinse him off - careful not to get my own soap in his eyes (his soap was eye friendly). Like I mentioned - most of his banter was to the two plastic guys in the shower with us. So it surprised me a bit when he noticed me.

"Maudy do you like spoons?" he asked.

"Well yes I do. Spoons are very handy aren't they?" I said back with a little giggle about how silly some 4 year old banter can be......and what are they thinking about all day?

"Yes, spoons are good for me." he said. Then he followed up with, "You have a very furry penis."

"What?" geez I wasn't wanting to teach anatomy. I was so tired by this point in the day - 8pm. "Well I don't have a penis. Penis is what boys have. I have a vagina." Keep it simple.....keep it simple.......keep it simple.....was what I said in my head.....he will start talking to the super hero's again.

"Yeah well that is a very furry vagina." he matter of facted.

"Some day you will have fur on your penis." I always figure some forewarning is a good thing.

"No, I will have a furry vagina." he stated pretty certain.

"Well boys have penis's and girls have vagina's." I stated completely certain.

"No, I am going to get bigger and then turn into a girl and have round things." he said as making a motion with his hands as to indicate the round things would be where his breasts would be - then he went back to his super hero's and plunged them into the waterfall.

Not sure how to argue the point.....I mean didn't a woman who turned into a man just give birth with his female man parts? Plus a week ago I noticed a woman who was gorgeous going into my favorite thrift store and wished I had the will power to stay on my exercise routine so I could be as nicely toned.....only upon closer inspection to find she was a trannie. Which made me even more jealous.....I mean here was a guy that made a prettier woman then me with very little makeup! And just a few months ago my family and I went to a waterpark in Wisconsin where there was more man breast visible then female breasts. There was so much Man Breast that I would have sworn men started having implants. So instead I said, "Well I think most likely you will not have breasts, but mostly I just hope you are happy with who you are."

TheKing then followed up with...."Your vagina is very furry."

So I said...."Yeah thanks for noticing."

" you like forks?" was his next thought.

"Well yes I do. Forks are very handy aren't they?" I said back with a little giggle at how crazy this one can keep me on my toes and about how silly some 4 year old banter can be......and what are they thinking about all day?