Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Things that I know..........

I know that chocolate chip cookies are generally the first ones eaten. I know that everyone loves believing in Santa Claus. I know that my husband would much rather sleep really late (like 12ish) then get up when we do (6ish). I know that snow makes everything beautiful. And I know that moms do not want to receive dish detergent for Christmas. I also know that this is what my middle child has purchased me. No, I didn't peek - here is what transpired.......

After school the kids wanted to head to the Dollar Tree to do their holiday shopping. We have each of them buy something for one another and then something for BigGuy and myself. I was solo - so the kids were told to sneak their gifts for me into the cart and that I would promise not to look. Babers would have to shop with BigGuy later because he just doesn't understand sneak or subtle. That said I told them we would not hang out in the store for longer then 30 minutes (I am not a shopper and I certainly don't fancy hanging out in any one store for very long) - then they were released. SuperStar was pretty independent. She picked something nice for her brothers, her dad and then snuck something into the cart for me. I do not know what it is (although BigGuy doesn't believe this). Babers was entertained with the gift I - er, he - picked out for his dad. Together we trailed Spidey. Who first picked out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for his dad - then a water bottle - then a paperclip thing - all of these were strongly suggested against by me - and finally he choose something that seemed close enough that I let it pass. He was off to find something for SuperStar, something for Babers and then finally he started shopping for himself. I reminded him there was one more person. He put down the toy he was studying, walked around the corner and came back with a powdered dishwasher detergent. Another mom was smiling (the store was filled with parents helping their kids shop for one another) and started laughing when Spidey said, "This is what you need mom. You love to keep things clean." I told him that I was really disappointed I saw the gift, but since it was no longer a surprise he should try again. I asked SuperStar to help him with the sneaking part - hoping she would help him with the choosing too. I heard her around the corner say, "She doesn't want the liquid kind too." and him saying, "But this one is pink colored, she will like to clean with pink stuff." And so I am going to be gifted with pink colored Dawn. It is the thought that counts - right? Wonder if it is scented.

1 comment:

Household Executive said...

okay, to hear what they were discussing "she will like the pink" is absolutely adorable! priceless really!