Saturday, February 2, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

It is sunny and bright here today. Cold, but very sunny. So we will do a little sledding today and then most likely start to say goodbye to our snow. Yesterday, however, was full of the white stuff. BigGuy was in STL for recruiting at WashU so it was just me and the kiddo's. I knew the snow would only get heavier and we have guests coming to visit this weekend, so my goal was to clear off a patch that would allow them to park on the driveway and walk to the door without filling thier shoes. The kids were raring to get out there. We bundled up in layers - Babers got a bit frustrated with all the hurrying up and then waiting - but he survived after a mini fit. This was his first real outing so to speak - we found boots that fit him finally!!! So we are out there and 10 minutes in every one poops out. I have only shoveled off the step and the walkway and there is still a lot to go - I didn't want to quit 10 minutes in - so I sent SuperStar in with them and kept going. All these men are in their driveways blowing the snow right off - right off - like magic - and then closing up shop and going in. 35 minutes in and I am still shoveling and only a quarter into being done. Then - like an angel appearing - our neighbor shows up at the end of the driveway and starts helping me out. Five minutes later our other neighbor joined him. I kept shoveling because I felt like it would have been lame to stop while they were working on our yard. And 10 minutes later we were done. It was a beautiful thing. We went inside, SuperStar got picked up for a sled date and the boys and I baked. Very nice day. Wonderful neighbors - we took them bread.


Morgan said...

We were disappointed that we didn't get to see Big Guy when he was in StL. We would have fed him. Next time, maybe.

Miss you guys very much.


HalfPint said...

You would have to hang out in pizza joints that make thin crust pizza. For four weeks he said, "I am going to eat Imo's". He didn't, but he ate something he feels is just as good - Guido's on the Hill. He really was a whoosh through there. Besides - aren't you out of town?