Saturday, February 9, 2008

Super Baby

Today was Graduation Day for Babers. For two years and two months he has slept in a baby bed. Since we were cleaning his carpet today(with our new best friend, carpet cleaner) we decided to break down his baby bed and put up the Big Boy Bed. SuperStar was 18 months when we did this with her and Spidey was two years old. So two years and two months seemed fair enough. Babers was really excited too. Jumping on his new bed, playing in his room (even though the carpet was wet) and seeming happy to go to sleep. We put him down, did his regular bedtime business routine and then put a gate up in front of his door - just in case - he seemed happy.

That is............until we left the room.

Of course, even after we left he seemed chipper and happy over the monitor. Then we heard his voice louder - which meant he was walking around his room and was closer to the monitor (we expected that). Then he sounded even louder - and we heard "Tah Dah" and his voice got louder and louder and then we heard Thump and he was in the kitchen with us jumping around demonstrating how cool it was that he was able to excape. He did - he climbed right over the fence. BigGuy picked him up and put him back in his bed - and he did it again. So I took him up, put him in his bed and BigGuy put the gate higher so he wouldn't be able to climb it. Heck, I had to be helped out because it was too high.

Babers didn't need any help though. Pop - back into the kitchen he was.

Dang, he never climbed out of his crib - where did these Super Baby powers of climbing come from??

So I put him back in - BigGuy went and got a large piece of board, drilled two holes in - I waited and watched him climb out again - then, just as BigGuy was getting ready to attach his creation (the board fit in front of the gate, blocking the possible footholds that Babers was using to climb) - I got the camera to take a picture catching him climbing out.

Swear to goodness - as I took the picture he stopped, posed and said, "Cheese".

Then BigGuy attached his creation blocker thing and the screaming has begun. He is still upstairs wailing away. Poor Sweetie, but a babies gotta sleep and Super Babies need even more rest.

Post Script - He made it through the night. It only took 15 minutes for him to calm down (long enough for me to create the above blog) and then he laid quietly for another 10 or so before he fell asleep in his bed. Both SuperStar and Spidey fell asleep on the floor near the door when they first started sleeping in a Big Bed - so we must be getting better at this somehow. Now, he did wake up at 4:45am and come into our room (Jakey was spoked by the wind and was barking) - we brought him in bed and he realized that his brother was already there. This thrilled him, but he kept saying, "Look Daddy it Bum" (Bum is what he calls Spidey) and tapping Bum on the head. BigGuy took him back to his room, closed the door and apparently he fell back asleep until Bum opened his door and woke him up at 7:30am.


sarah said...

We tryed the new bed thing with sammy when he was about 2 years 3 months and I was going to kill him so we put him back in the crib. I just think moving to a new house and a new bed was to much for him. He is now 2 and 1/2 years and we want to try again. Hope it gets better for you.

HalfPint said...

Oh, that was only night one - he quieted down after 15 minutes, laid in his bed and fell asleep within 30. For a first night it was great compared to the two olders. Babers is a pretty good sleeper. Personally, we thought the whole "Tah-Dah" thing and "Cheese" was too cute.

Me said...

I remember finding White Belt in all sorts of odd places but always still in the room. Monkey however was a different story since he figured out how get the door open by 18 months. That was a feat that took White Belt at least 3 or 4 years until he could actually reach the door knob. I think they only get more cunning the further down in birth order they get. I'm sorry you didn't get a going out date night. Sometimes staying in date nights are better though. Good luck with SuperBabers!!!