Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Count Down

Girl Scout camp is in 4 days. SuperStar and her cuznK are dropped off at 1pm. SuperStar is sooooooooooo excited that I can't add enough "o's" to SO in order to express it. For a week she has been begging to get help in packing her bags. We had misplaced our packing list so we headed up to the GS office to get a new one (and then promptly found the other one as soon as we walked in the door - kid you not, it was tacked to our family calendar wipe off board and you see it as soon as you walk in the door. Sometimes I am too organized for our own good!). The list detailed a few things we needed so after picking it up we headed to Target. SuperStar was way cute - we went to the toiletries area where they sell those travel size things. It has been awhile since BigGuy or I have had single size needs for anything - they have a lot of cute stuff in that area! SuperStar was scrutinizing colors, types, smells, wording on the package even! Another shopper just watched her smiling - SuperStar stopped to explain why she needed all these things and how excited she was. They chatted about GS and what a great opportunity for the future it is for her. Spidey and I entertained Babers.

Once home we took the items, the list and started packing. There was A Lot of stuff needed! Shorts, shirts, long pants, long shirts, PJ's, 2 pairs of undies a day (to which SuperStar went into a long monologue about "what in the world could we need two pairs per day - that is 12 pairs! What are people doing with their undies?". Then there was bug spray, lotion, sun lotion, flashlights, rain ponchos, a tshirt for tie dying, a tshirt for autographs, a journal, a book for autographs, bags for treasures, bags for laundry, bags for trash, and on and on. We got it all matched, rolled (a packing trick many know) and placed. Then we started to address the Tuesday night Cowgirl Costume - SuperStar sees her costume as a vest, jeans, her hiking boots, a bandana and a long sleeved black shirt. Only we don't have a vest. She thinks we need a vest - talked about the vest for days - talked about shopping for the vest - talked about how I could sew a vest for her - asked about extra fabric to make a vest - finally we took one of my shirts and cut it down to fit her as a vest and sew the cut edges. Not pretty, but she was smiling.

She is now completely packed for camp - 4 days early. When I mentioned how crazy this is to BigGuy he looked at me as if I were the one who was crazy because apparently it is seen that this is how I am as well. She is so a chip off the Mommy block.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

SuperStar, I remember when I went to camp for the 1st time. I was in the sixth grade. It was GREAT FUN. You'll have a good time, I'm sure.
