Sunday, August 9, 2009

Do As I Do Now

We have ALWAYS recycled..............the problem was we weren't doing anything with it. We let it sit there - recycled - sorted - cluttering up the garage - and then eventually we would become frustrated and throw it away - in the Regular Old Trash. So technically we were Sorting Trash - not Recycling. There were tons of good reasons to claim that it wasn't our fault
* The Trash Company Doesn't Offer Recycling
* We don't live really close to a Recycling Center
* I would get my car dirty carting the Recycling to the place that takes it
* Cans go to a different place then the rest of it does - and we can get paid for the cans so why not take them to separate places
* Never quite have the time
* Frustrated with ourselves and not wanting to deal with it
* Easier to just throw it away

And then the neighbors offered to cart our recycling off for $10 a month. It was just OUR recycling they are carting - they are carting off any other lazy recycling peoples recycling. And we took them up on it. We dedicated ourselves to the effort and actually purchased these really cool stacking bins - just like the ones in the picture (except ALL blue because 3 colors would make me crazy - I mean let's be serious - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - but let's do it in a nice looking organized matching manner - right? Or is that just me?). These things were super cheap too - $10 a container - so there is way less sorting - we fill 1 container up with paper/cardboard stuff - 1 container up with plastic & glass - and one with cans & aluminum. Then on pick up dates I set it outside and TheY's come by and take the stuff inside - Easy Peasie.

For 3 months now we have recycled and I was floored the first 2 weeks of doing it - our trash container was only 1/2 filled!!! Prior to we were filling it so completely that the lid didn't shut and there were sometimes a bag on the side. If you have the option to Recycle - please Take it - every little bit helps.


Franchesca said...

We recycle, because there is finally the convenient option of doing it here, curbside. And we pay every 3 months for the service along with what we pay for regular trash pick up. And every time I pay that bill I am reminded that we never actually are asked to SORT anything. Is it really even getting recycled? Or are they just taking my $30 every three months like guilt money to make me feel better about myself?

HalfPint said...

shhhhh............we don't want to know if it is not getting recycled............everyone is honest and good in the world in my head.

Morgan said...

Patti: HOOO-RAH!!!

Franchesca: It IS being recycled. I called the TV guy, "Ask Elliott," who knew the answer. He said he had the same question and checked it out to find that the recycling companies have developed new ways to sort and clean recycling so that it doesn't matter if they pick it up from us unsorted. It is easier for them to sort now.