Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This Is Why We Love Him

When we went to STL for our Girl Scout Day at the Stadium event we also stopped by The City Museum (which I recommend everytime I hear someone say "We are going to STL this weekend" and I never hear them say "Oh, we did that!" - which they should because it is a gem) for some time with my very wonderful friend BEG and her son - who were visiting from FL. BEG and I were standing near the train with TheKing and her BlueEyedBoy and just across from the train was a wire tunnel (it was part of an elaborate tunnel that crawled over and under things) that reached up and over the train track - and our names were called - when we looked we saw SuperStar and Spidey - the little boys smiled at them - TheKing waved and shouted their names and then the olders began the climb up and over the boys who were by then sitting on the train.

As I took pics of SuperStar & Spidey I noticed a larger kid - much larger - and BEG laughed and said, "That isn't BigGuy is it?" and sure enough - it was BigGuy - squeezing his 6'5" form into the tunnel and climbing over. Good thing the tunnel was steel - very strong steel. TheKing thought this was great - he squealed and giggled his dads name.

and BEG and I watched as BigGuy squished and wiggled himself through the tunnel. It was funny - as BigGuy went up and over I took a pic of BlueEyedBoy and TheKing - TheKing looks non-plussed that his dad was crawling over them - BlueEyedBoy though - he looks somewhat shocked and concerned as he watched BigGuy emerge from the tunnel.

I kinda figured if BigGuy had his druthers he would not have picked climbing through tiny tunnels - because that was a crawl along the floor tunnel for a bit before they went up and over. So I asked what got him in the tunnel - he said that Spidey was afraid of getting lost, but that he didn't want him to miss out on the fun of going through the tunnel so BigGuy went with Spidey to help him feel safe (it was crazy crowded this day - so the concern was valid kinda).

This is why we LOVE BigGuy.

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