Sunday, August 2, 2009

Take It Where You Can

Sometimes I am reminded to just Take It Where I Can Get It. Baseball and Softball seasons are over - yipee!! Did I enjoy sitting at the games and watching all of it - well...........honesetly the only part I enjoyed were the parts that my kids participated in - like Spidey getting his first 2 hits ever in the last game - SuperStar squatting down as catcher for the first time and then coming up and loving the game - stuff like that - or last night - Spidey was standing in the space between 1st & 2nd - the ball came right at him........he dove for rolled right through his legs and he fell to the ground (classic) - then right through the legs of the next kid who fell to the ground trying - and finally past the final kid in the outfield who also fell to the ground. We were giggling.........and then I looked back at Spidey - he was STILL on the ground, only making dust dirt mounds - having a good ole time. That is what I liked about the season - the accomplishments and the silliness - the rest of it was sitting in a chair telling TheKing what he could or could NOT do. Not so fun.

As I have been going through summer this year I have felt a bit disconnected. There are a lot more activities for the older kids this year - a few for TheKing, but potty training has seemed to be a bit time consuming.............and then BigGuy has had softball and switching positions and his own stuff to think about............and I have just felt like I am drifting a bit between all of them. Lost a bit. Trying to figure it out. Take Time For Yourself.........yes, I have heard that OVER and OVER and OVER. Take Time For Yourself, but where do you fit it? One has to go here - another needs to go there - BigGuy needs to be gone to his thing - which leaves me to drag the others about to this and that................Claim The Time.....yep......easier so much easier said then done as I sit at a baseball or softball game.......

I mentioned Spidey hitting his first 2 balls. It was the second to last game of the year. It was so cool. And unfortunately BigGuy missed it because he had his own softball game. Spidey was so proud. For SuperStar the night she made a hit she got do celebrate. She got to stay up an hour past her bedtime. Spidey had been so upset. It was an awful celebration with one very whiney 7yr old in our midst. But then he got his - and he remembered he needed to be celebrated and he wanted ice cream. TheKing and I were more then happy to accomodate I offered up Gene's or DQ on the way home. Nope. He did not want to go with me - he wanted BigGuy. BigGuy wasn't the only one who helped with batting - or catching - or washing his uniform - or getting him to games when SuperStar had her own - but he did help coach when he could - so he got the SpotLight when the big time accomplishment was made. And I get that - but to be told that hurts your ego a bit - and adds to my feeling of discontent.

Then last night - the last game of the year - I contributed a cake for the team. Spidey had gotten another hit - AND - he made a run (which was his big big big big goal). He ran out and hugged BigGuy - or high fived - whatever it was. He was beaming and his eyes were all for BigGuy. It was super sweet to see. After the game Coach gathered us to the pavilion and he gave a speach about how each kid had been a Champion and MVP - and handed out trophies. And then he started naming the parents who had helped coach and everyone clapped for them...........and out of no where Spidey said, "And clap for my mom who made the great cake."

That made it all better. I will take that - tuck it into my heart and save the happy tear it brought.

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