Friday, October 30, 2009

Does She Know?

On the main road ( actually turns into Main St.) into the town we live near there is a white house. Cute. Olderish. Medium size type bungalow. It is in an area that probably once was kinda residential, but now the street is a 4 lane road and the houses are turned into businesses. The rather large sign on the outside reads "Psychic - Tarot Card Readings".

In the 2.5 years we have lived here I have NEVER seen anyone going in or coming out until yesterday. However, the sign is still up and the electricity is still on - so I will guess that the business is doing well enough to continue.

Almost every time I drive past this business I wonder, "Does the Psychic KNOW that I am just outside Wondering if she (I am making stereotype judgements) KNOWS I am wondering about her?"

Do any of you who live here and read ever do this when you pass by?

Yesterday I added, "Will she be upset that I will be mocking Psychics by dressing up as one for Halloween? Or take it as a compliment? AND Does she know I am just outside thinking about this?"

She MUST right? She is a psychic after all.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


What exactly is the definition of Solidarity? Maybe I won't be using it correctly - but I will let you all worry about that. I am using the word to say that I am totally backing SuperStar 100% through the next 8 weeks of what I remember to be a very trying time when I was her age.

See..........look really closely at this picture. Look at my exposed ear and then look at her exposed ear (or do it the other way around and look at hers first - I really won't be insulted if I am the second look). Do you see anything? It was hard to get a good pic that showed what I am talking about really really well - but you do see that we both have on sparkly earrings - right? Well, if you could see us in REAL LIFE - you would see that we have pretty much identical earrings on.

Yes........SuperStar overcame her fear of shots and got her ears pierced!! But it wasn't an easy process.

About 2 years ago I suggested she get her ears pierced for her birthday. When I was little I begged to have my ears pierced - and my mom said not until you are 10 years old. I think I was in 3rd grade when I first started asking.........and I waited.......and I waited.......I think I counted those days more intensely then I counted down to my drivers license. I really really wanted my ears pierced. So when SuperStar was in 3rd grade I offered to take her. BigGuy and I had taken CuznM when she was that age (her mother said we could). But SuperStar wanted not a single thing to do with that kinda pain. Which didn't surprise me. I mean, she is the kid that I have to make sure has a doctors appointment scheduled when BigGuy can go IF there is a shot involved. We have had to restrain her physically (the two of us working together with a nurse) for her shots. So there was no way we would be able to get her ears pierced - in a very public window of Claires at the mall - using anything but her free will.

Then just a bit more then a week ago she came up and said, "Can I get my ears pierced?" Thinking she would back out I said, "Sure we can do it this weekend." And I waited for her to come back having changed her mind.

Only she didn't. In fact.....she jumped BigGuy as soon as he got home from work and told him ALL ABOUT her plan to do it. And so it was decided.

On Friday (they were off school) we went to the mall. The ride was hilarious - she was nervous - anything I said she told me I was making her MORE nervous - evne when I said I was hungry - so I stayed quiet. We got into the store easy enough and she was all about signing up to get it done. SuperStar picked the most inexpensive earrings they had - and then (because I talked with BigGuy and he said "give her the works") I suggested she get the pair that she would most like wearing for 3 months. So she upgraded to some sparkly daisies. And it was on. They put the dots on her ears - they talked about what they were going to do - they made sure the sparkles were what she wanted because, they explained, after they opened the boxes there was no turning back - she was ALL IN - and the boxes were opened, the earrings were loaded onto the little guns - and she started to turn red and break into a sweat.

Now I had mentioned (quietly) to the woman that SuperStar generally needed restraints for shots - so the plan was to have both store workers do the ears at the same time - no backing out after the first. But the anxiety was already settling into SuperStar - she took a few laps around the store. Then she backed out. The woman explained again that they wanted to give her time to think it through and they went back to the work the store. I explained that the earrings now belonged to us - that we would be leaving with a $40 pair of earrings (earrings, piercing & the care kit all came together) regardless of if they were in her ears. AND that if they were not in her ears the next pair to pierce her ears would be paid for by her. She did the math quickly - it came up to about 2 months of allowance IF she didn't buy any candy. Priorities you know. She even told me that I was making her feel guilty about money ............... hmmmm..........if that all it took then perhaps I have been doing it wrong..........I assured her I had no intentions of forcing her to have her ears pierced - I just wanted her to understand what would be up the next time she wanted to pierce her ears - and I added that she should just do it now and after we would go get a soda and have a giggle and that I would be totally jealous I missed out on wearing the sparkly pair that she decided to keep to herself. In the end she changed her mind. The girls came over - counted faster then SuperStar could react to and BOOM her ears were pierced.

And to stand by her I bought a pair of earrings they had that matched the ones she had - and I vowed that if she could overcome her fear of having her ears pierced I could wait 2 months to change the earrings just like she would have to (turned out 3 months wasn't the time frame - my mom must have lied to me). And then she said I promised her a Smoothie - which I hadn't!

So we went and got a Smoothie to celebrate her most recent step toward being an adult. And I put my earrings in. And she told me she thought it was silly that I was doing that and I could take them out when ever I wanted - dang - she could have told me that BEFORE I made the purchase. However now I am very happy to be wearing them because I have overheard her telling her friends, "My mom is wearing earrings just like mine because she loves me." I might have to wear them forever.........
The girls came back

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1 Pound at a Time

1 Pound at a Time. So everyone that knows me knows that when I am not so happy I will self medicate myself with yummy foods. Well........honestly sometimes they aren't really all that yummy....sometimes they are fast foods and they are replacing the foods that I am not feeling quite up to creating because of whatever obstacle is in my way in life that I a avoiding addressing.

For the past 2.5 years the obstacle has been moving and losing having friends and family so close. Duh - been here - read that.

As you also know - I have been working very hard on creating a happy place here by embracing all the wonderful things that are My Life. I mean I blog about 4 of them on a weekly basis. And there are some wonderful friendships being built and I blog about them..........and there are of course continued wonderful friendships and I blog about those. Funny how still those insecurities can creep in and make you think about the negatives though - but lately they don't creep in far enough to reverse the positive forward direction.

In refocusing on the Wonderful I am also finding that the Extra Me I gained along the backward route is disappearing. 1 pound at a time. So I feel way better physically as well as emotionally.

Now if I could just address this Volunteer-A-Holic problem that I have. Sign - where is that sponsor of mine?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Is It Only Octomom we Criticize?

"Carolyn Savage won't have another chance to carry her own baby because of her age and difficulties during her earlier pregnancies. She and her husband plan to hire a surrogate and try again for a fourth child."

Through the past year I have heard so much said about Octomom. That she is creating children that she can't take care of. I kinda understand that argument - although I don't support it. Then there is that she is abusing the science of fertility. Totally don't support that statement. I mean she is using it in a way that is not very supportive to her financial state, but who is responsible for setting the rules about how many kiddo's you can create with these scientific abilities? Is she the person? If she is then are we saying that she is Morally Responsible for making smart decisions regarding the children she brings forth? I could support that argument. Or are we saying that because she can't financially support the children in the manner that would make her independent from state supports she should not be having more children? Would I say she is abusing the miracle science of creation? No. I would personally say that the doctor who said "Oh yeah let's give this a go" is just as responsible as Octomom is. Because if we are saying that she is being irresponsible we have to place a number on how many children can be created per person using this science. And if we do that then we have to look at every family that is using the science and perhaps we should also put the limit per family as one that also is compared to financial statements. Yes?


See I think it is just as tragic that people with the funds to support the children they have are continuing to create more children. The above quote is one that I found in several places. Most have probably heard the more recent fertility tragedy that occurred. The couple who became pregnant only to find out that the clinic had placed some other couples fertilized eggs into the woman. And that the woman then gave birth to the child instead of aborting the pregnancy and then gave that baby back to the parents who created the baby with the use of the fertility science. Now there is no denying that the story in itself is a selfless and beautiful one - I mean the part about going through with the pregnancy and giving the baby to the family that created the baby. The disappointment of the mistake must have been just awful and I can't begin to imagine it. I can imagine the act of placing the child in the rightful family - but still that is amazing and wonderful.

Here is where I have difficulty. When I read the story I thought that this was going to be their first child. But it wasn't - it was to be their fourth child. Fourth. All that money to create a child when they already had experienced the miracle of having children of their own biologically. And still they spend thousands and thousands of dollar to create more children. And there are thousands and thousands of children right here in the Foster care system waiting to be adopted. Family-less. And we are to embrace their loss of a child (which I can) and then nod in approval as they hire a surrogate to give birth to another child they will create. When there are so many children already created that would benefit from the love that would be a family. So are we okay with this because they can afford to hire people to help them create a family because they have the funds? Or are we okay with it because we don't really cherish the kids who are already created and waiting for a family?

This can get very confusing. I do understand that if you have not experienced creating your own child biologically you would want to. This understanding comes through friends I know who have this experience - so I am still detached from really understanding it personally. I would have a very hard time not wanting to embrace using this science of fertility for that experience. However, if you have experienced it several times - and then still want to spend more money to do it when there are so many children that are in the world needing a home - I have less understanding. That same amount of money could help a child be adopted into a family - shoot it would cost tons less to adopt a child here in the US!

So why are we so quick to question the choices of Octomom and not to question the choices of others? There are so many kids who need to a home that are already here in the world. Why do we need to spend thousands and thousands to create more? Aren't we Morally Responsible to be there for the children waiting for families? Love the ones that are here already.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Week Later I Finally Thawed Out

So one week and one day ago we were in the Homecoming Parade of the local college. The theme was "Rock the Red" - much better then last year when it appeared to be "Roast and Kill the Bears", BigGuy's almamater from MO. That theme didn't go over very well with SuperStar - she kept approaching floats and telling them that killing the bears was not nice. This year everyone seemed much more at peace with the theme.

And we added something new - Boy Scouts!! It was kinda fun - we made our own theme be Bobcat Scouts - our school mascot - and we had both Girl & Boy Scouts present. We even made banners to reflect the groups - only none of the scouts would carry them so the parents ended up doing it.

Bonus was that TheKing's preschool was right behind us too! So we had all three of the kids covered and included in their school's part in the parade. It was cold, but it was a lot of fun!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Daughter is a Changeist

So we are working really hard to raise our kids with an open mind about everything - don't judge - consider all angles of the people that you encounter in life - the situations you find yourself in - and take each gift you receive as an how did SuperStar become a Changeist!?!

Do you wonder what a changeist is? school the student council are selling Boo Grams. Remember them? Your school probably had something similar. It is early morning at our house during Boo Gram sales. SuperStar says, "I need $3.00 so I can buy some Boo Grams for my friends".

Boo Grams cost $.25 each - this means that there are 12 friends who will be receiving them from her. Note that she has TOLD me she NEEDS the money. One of the things we are very consciously (although we do tend to forget) trying to teach the kiddo's is that we aren't going to just Hand Over money - and also the much needed concept of NEED vs WANT. So many of thier NEEDS are really WANTS. Boo Gram money is a WANT. So I suggested that she use her allowance for the purchase.

"No, they won't take a five dollar bill. They only want change." was the response.

"Well you could give me your five and then I will give you change." I told her.

"Well actually if you could just give me quarters then it will be better." she smiled.

I am seeing where this is going. This money is being seen as inconsequential because it is not a BILL - it is simply change. So I asked her, "Buying Boo Grams is not something you have to have, so you will need to earn the money for it - or - if I give you three dollars in change what will you do to earn it?"

"Why would I need to earn change?" she was no longer smiling and she had a look like people throw change for it? Seriously?! And then we worked out an agreement - she really wanted to buy all 12 of her friends Boo Grams. She did an extra chore that night, sweeping the pine off the back porch, and I would give her three dollars in change. Everyone was happy.

Then I began counting out the change from the pink ceramic baby foot planter that the people who lived here before us left. Hey, what else was I going to do with a planter like that? It had change collector all over it. I counted out eight quarters and ten dimes. A total of $3.00. SuperStar looked at it and said, "Ah I don't want the dimes."
"Why not? They are change and make a full dollar." I was clearly confused.

"My friends will see them." and she began to gather up the quarters.

"Why does it matter if they see the dimes? They are valid money." still confused.

Looking at me like I was a real goof she said, "Well if we don't have any more quarters then I will just take these to buy Boo Grams." and she started to pocket the quarters - she was not taking the dimes.

"But that means that four of your friends won't get Boo Grams. You are telling me that you dislike using dimes in public so much that you would cut four of your friends off of your list to receive Boo Grams?" what in the world was I missing? How totally not cool am I these days?

Her response was simply, "Yes."

My daughter is a Changeist. She hates small currency - pennies, nikels and dimes - for no apparent reason other then it seems to make her feel as though others will look at her using this form of payment and think we are out of money and have to use small change. She explained this in the slightly extended version of our conversation. I repeated this to a friend later in the day........thinking they would (like me) roll their eyes at the prejudice against small change - but I was surprised because they didn't! The friend also hates using small change in public - or even real money - instead preferring a debit card or credit card - because other people might think they are on a budget. Realy? What is wrong with budgets? Aren't we all on a budget these days? I thought saying "oh that doesn't fit our budget" is the new cool thing to say. She even offered up that maybe SuperStar is putting together that we give away our small change to homeless people who ask on the streets and if she uses change people will think she is poor. Really?! I hate those debit card commercials where the world stops and makes the person paying by check or cash look like an idiot.

So now we have a new goal -
1) Teach the kids to manage their money
2) Teach the difference between a NEED and a WANT
3) Teach the children to embrace CHANGE!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Happy Happy Birthday BigGuy!!!
(he is still not 40)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do You Know Your Neighbors?

In an area where there are 192 churches (I googled it - although some of the names of the churches left me wondering if they are legit) for approximately 150,000 people (googled this too and the closest stat is from 2007) - I find myself a tad surprised to hear that there will be a Nudist Fall Festival in the area. As I drove to drop off my youngest at preschool today I was amazingly allowed to listen to the radio - without Bear in the Big Blue House playing!! And on the radio was an announcement/discussion of an upcoming even in our area. A Fall Festival Nudist Gathering - complete with a Bon Fire!!

Now lets stop for a minute and envision the (most likely) guy who will be leaveing his twig and berries completely uncovered as he stand in front of that fire and stokes it. What will happen when a spark hits him?

Now........getting past the hilarity that there will be a nudist fall gathering in an area that is stock full of people who would probably not think it appropriate (my guess)...........after the people on the radio kinda made fun of the whole thing a woman phoned in. She lives right here in the area. She went on and on about how wonderful the life of a nudist is - that they are raising their kiddos to be nudists too - that they walk around their house all the time naked - that the only time they really have clothes on is when they are out of the house. She didn't say what I wanted to know - her name - what school her kids go to - where she or her hubby work - or where they live..........

............because maybe they are one of MY neighbors..........I would totally want to sell them cookies!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Best Ever Hot Cocoa Recipe

I have no idea where I got this recipe - someone on line is the only thing I remember.........but it is THE BEST HOT COCOA RECIPE EVER. Next time you are in the mood for some real Hot Cocoa - try this one.......

Recipe ~
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Cocoa
Dash of Salt
1/3 Cup Hot Water
4 Cups Milk (we use skim)
3/4 tsp Vanilla

* Mix it all into a pot and stir over a medium heat until it comes to a light boil. Then serve with Mini Marshmallows.......or if you are lucky......Warm Brownies!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Children Not Allowed

Seems to be a TheKing week............oh well, the pictures are make up for the fact that lately all my stories include him - right?

Well as most know TheKing has been in swim lessons since we moved here. Primarily because he has no inkling of fear of the water. Zero. So to keep woman from freaking out all over the pool when he jumps in - we put him in swim class. He can now 15ft. in a fairly recognizable free style stroke. He has legs that pump him further then that, but the arm coordination thing messes him up a bit still.

This season we put him in private lessons. He seems to learn more and they are so inexpensive that it is way worth it. His teachers name is Mindy - and she is just the best! In fact, for the most part I love the gym we go to. The child care is fabulous and they all know TheKing's name.......he loves being there........they love having him (or at least they fake it way better then I do).

The only down side is that not EVERYONE loves having TheKing - or any other small person under the age of 16 - around at the gym. And they are making the silliest stinks. At first my thought was that they were mostly directed at me - because we all know that the universe revolves around me right? However, I am not learning that these "Older Ladies" have made moms cry. One mom had her twins in swim class early while there was an water aerobics class going. The little ones were afriad of the water and crying - throwing a fit - the usual start of swim class kinda stuff - they get over it after a bit. And the older women in the class complained directly to the mom about how her children were ruining their class and that if she couldn't control them she should take them out. And they made her cry - because you know her heart was already being torn by the kids who were crying. If that is their goal - the break parents down into tears - then they might as well forget me - I just get sneaky and work around them.

What am I talking about?

Well........TheKing's swim lesson starts at 9am and goes until 9:30am. My pilates (love the pilates!!) class starts at 10am. Perfect!! Swim class, dry and dressed, snack while watching the next class, then sign TheKing in to the BusyBee's program and I am off to stretch and strengthen. we sat QUIETLY on the couch in the LOBBY WHERE NO ONE EXERCISES AND IT IS ONLY A PASS THROUGH TO THE GYM........we were approached by the kindly gentleman that I now refer to as "Gym Police Guy". Gym Police Guy comes over in his kindly grandpa way and says........."are you having a snack?" I thought he was being kind and said, "Yep." Only he wasn't really cuz he said, "Oh, well technically the gym is not open to children until 10am and it is 9:45 right now." "Yes, well we aren't technically in the gym we are in the lobby having a snack and I will be signing him into the BusyBee's in 5 minutes before I go to class." He smiles all sweet and says, "Oh I totally understand" and places his hand on my shoulder (ick) and continues with, "but I get yelled at if I do not abide by the rules for everyone and this is still the gym so you can't be in here either. Your son needs to be in the child care if he is here before 10am. The gym is not open for children before then."

I probably sighed - I probably looked confused - I know I said, "But we had swim class at 9am so obviously the parts of the gym is open for children before 10am." Now he looked confused - I don't think he was used to people not falling for his grandpa sweet charm straight off.......but came back with, "Oh, yes, swim class. Well after that is over you need to leave or take him to child care. Otherwise I will be yelled at for not doing my job." And he said that like I really was going to be upset if he got yelled at. Making one last ditch to be understood I explained that there was only 15 minutes in between TheKing's swim class ending and mine starting.............and that we needed to get a snack in him quickly......and I asked if he had a suggestion as to where we might be able to do that without causing a problem. His suggestion was, "Well I suppose you could go out to your car."

Seriously? Go to my car?

Okay, well I didn't get upset. I finished the snack with TheKing - first telling Gym Police Guy that we would be finishing our snack before moving on - and then went to my class. Pilates is like Yoga so it soothed the edges a bit. Then I went home and calmly phoned an aquaintance who works at the gym - she runs the swim program. She said they are being very strict about it and to just see if I can find a niche to hang out - or ask one of the woman in the BusyBee's if they would take TheKing out for a snack after 10am.

This week we decided to do the first suggestion. After class we sat In The Pool Area a smidge longer to warm up a bit and kill a second of time. Snuggled. Talked to the swim instructor a smidge. We were there about 5 minutes and I was just getting ready to move TheKing toward the FAMILY dressing room (because the Older Ladies get snippy at the youngsters in the main dressing room so I avoid that area) when here comes Gym Police Guy.........crap......."Hey" as he touches my leg (ick), "are you just finishing up a swim class?" Because what he really wants to know is do I plan to let my kid swim in the pool - because he CAN'T - because it is OFF LIMITS to little kids until 10am - and I say, "Yes, we are just warming up before we get him dressed." He smiles warmly, "Oh, well remember that he has to get gym is....." "off limits to anyone with a heart before 10am.....yes I know." I finished for him. He smiled and just thanked me and walked on (I don't think he heard what I said about the heart).

We sat a few minutes more just because I am ornery. Then we walked to the Family dressing dressed....and sat and ate some Cheez It's. Nothing better then Cheez It's in a gym changing room. Sigh.

You know perhaps the parents in the gym should rise up and demonstrate. Perhaps we should complain about how slow the Older Gym Patrons are moving and how dang quiet they are all the time. Down right creepy if you ask me. They should have their gym times limited - really only be allowed in the gym from about 5am to 10am........after that it is probably time for them to go home and clean their brooms...........

Friday, October 9, 2009

Spidey's Skatin' Party

I can remember when I was a kid Roller Skating being the COOLEST thing ever! There was even that movie with - shoot what is her name..........she played Sandy in Grease.........she was incredibly popular..........and I am too lazy to google someone leave it in the comment section - anyway, the movie was Zanadu - remember that? With Gene Kelly. Probably one of the worst movies ever, but I remember that the skating was really cool and that will forever be what I think about when I go skating. So Spidey's party was all about Zanadu to me.....

Too Funny Not To Share

Here is a quick "TheKing" story.

I am sitting at the computer trying to complete a blog for MJB about having lost my child - only I am being so easily distracted by the millions of things that do NOT need my attention............

TheKing is in the living room watching Zathura (seen it? - the Jumanji sequel). He is watching and singing a 3 year old versions of TV theme songs.........and he sings The Bob the Builder theme....or at least part of it.......

"Bob The Builder.......CAN WE FIX IT?(totally shouting - probably scaring the hammies to death)"
"Bob The Builder.........NO WE CAN'T cuz it's TOO HARD!!"

Where did his second verse come from? Too Funny!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Someone Explain Underwear to me Please

Underwear and Swimsuits really. In the past month I have purchased underwear for all 3 of my kiddo's. And 2 out of 3 have been super simple.

The Boys of course are the simple ones............ah.......that isn't exactly meant to be a slam on the male gender......although it is kinda funny when you write it out like that - then again they are my sons and my understandning is a Mother's bond with her Boy Children is supposed to be much less teasing?

Anyway - it worked like this:
Spidey - wears a size 8/10 pants - his underwear are a size 10 (because I wanted there to be plent of time to wear them so I bought them on the larger end - pun intended).
TheKing - wears a size 4T - his underwear are a size 4T
SuperStar wears a size 10/12 - I bought her 10/12 underwear. They didn't fit. She said it was the cut, rode up her tushie. So I took them back. Bought a brief style underewear in 10/12. They didn't fit. Thought about my own underwear (like you want to think about them too) and realized they are an 8 when I wear a 10 - so one size down. Went back to the store........bought a size down for her. They didn't fit. Took them back - the lady now recognizes me - and bought a 14/16 size. They totally fit, a bit baggy, but time and shrinking (they are cotton after all) will prove to make them perfect.

The whole scenario made me wonder what the deal is with girls and women's underwear - and swimming suits really too. I mean seriously - shopping for a swimsuit is really equal to torture. The fact that you have to EXPECT to purchase a suit that is 1 to 2 sizes larger then you already wear (which makes some women cry) is just mean. Why don't the makers of the suits just tag them the size them woman trying them on will be? I mean if I wear a 10 then I should fit in suits that are a size 10 - I should not have to try on a 14 - or because I have ample boobage have to try on an even larger top and hope that the store will allow me to purchase a smaller bottom.

Sheesh - is this all to ding our self-esteem so that we purchase diet products?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Now This is An Adoption Story

I admire a great deal of the friends I have in the world we have created for ourselves. Each person that crosses the invisible line of "Polite Acquaintance" has a special uniqueness about them. Something that I admire and be part of - even if it is just being part of watching them and admiring them more.

Now not surprisingly.......since we have added a family member through adoption we have also added friends who have adopted as well. Certainly this is linked to need for being part of a group of people who have like minded experiences. Or it could be Fate..........or it could be an act of God to keep us connected for support. Whatever it is.....I am thankful for it. I love having people that understand the extreme love you can feel for a child even though you did not give birth to them (because there are STILL people who don't believe that - I have been told that I can not possibly love an adopted child as much as the children I gave birth to - and to those people I can only look at them incredulously and say they are wrong - and feel sad for them that they don't get it). I love having friends in my life who understand that there are subtle things a non-adoptive parent can NEVER understand - and being able to "complain" to them without offending them or making them feel awkward. I love that.

People who embrace and adopt children who need a loving home - period - are absolutely fabulous people. They are part of a group of adults that "get it" in my eyes.

And in the people that I have met who are adoptive parents I most love that I have friends who have crossed the color line with their adoption. And just as high on my list I love that I have friends who have (and are in the process of) adopting within the Foster Care system we have in the United States. LOVE THAT!! There is just something slightly different about US adoption through Foster then overseas or private adoptions. I can try to explain it if people want me to....just leave a note, but know that I have a special place in my heart for Foster parents and Adoptive parents through the Foster system. Undeniably.

So here in Central Illinois we have become close to a couple (BigGuy actually worked with the hubby in STL - funny we would have to move 2.5 hours away to become closer). When we moved here they had a little girl TheKing's age - pretty close to the exact age. He works still with BigGuy - she is a social worker in the DCFS area. I have contacted her on occasions when my family needed some guidance for a family member who needed help - and in that question/answer contact we have become friends.

About 11 months ago they finished their license to become Foster parents. Remember they had a 2 year old at the time. Not too unlike our own story - they were planning to foster before eventually adopting - and almost immediately upon receiving their license they were contacted about sibling girls. A 1 year old and a 2 year old. Their bio mom was already TPR'd (termination of parental rights). Adoption right away was not exactly what they planned - but perfect anyway. And they added them to the family.

Keeping track? They are now a family of 5 - 2 adults - 2 Two year olds - and 1 one year old. All girls. And then BL found out she was pregnant. Seriously. 9 months later they added a terribly sweet baby girl.

Keeping track? They are now a family of 6 - 2 Adults - 2 Three year olds - 1 Two year old - and a tiny infant. Seriously..........they went from a family of 3 to a family of 6 in Less Than a Year!!

Think we are done? Ah........nope. So two weeks ago they went on a two week camping vacation (they have a nice camper - BigGuy might be reading......I would LOVE a popup camper!). The baby is/was about three weeks old (I am losing track). I followed the trip on Facebook (gotta love it). They came home and were contacted that same day........the bio mom of the girls they adopted was "surprise!!!" having a baby in a day. And YES - that baby has been placed with their family until the mom gets her act together - or - they are able to adopt her.

Keeping track? They are now a family of Freakin' 7!! 2 Adults - 2 Three year olds - 1 Two year old - and 2 infants under the age of 3 months!! ALL ARE GIRLS!

And do you know how much it costs to adopt a child through the United States Foster Care System? Well...........I know for our family it was all paid by the US. I am pretty certain that it was the same for our friends - although I know that some private agencies that support only adoptions of this type have small fees - there are also lawyer fees for filing, but MO paid that too. The only real cost is "Time In" and "Love". How hard is that?

So.......needless to say I am totally keeping the L family across my invisible line of "Polite Acquaintance" and solidly in "Friends I Totally Admire". Because what they are doing is Absolutely Freakin' Awesome!!

Plus - I kinda admire Potentially Dangerous Insane people. If you are currently a friend of mine and I have told you that I admire you - you might want to consider that last part really yourself - ar eyou a Potentially Dangerous Insane Person?

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Sweet Parts

The past few weeks have been very very very very loud. TheKing and Spidey seem to really rile one another up so there is a lot of loud noise about nothing coming from them - CONSTANTLY - as I type this they are screaming "Sponge Bob Square Pants" at extreme volumes just to Out Scream each really does get unnerving at times. Sigh.

During the day.......when Spidey is gone......TheKing makes up for the lack of a noisy partner by screaming all that much more. It becomes a Quantity versus Quality kinda thing. And lately I am on the edge of Insanity due to noise a lot. There are only so many times a person can say, "Please use a quiet voice" before going bonkers.

So it was a very nice change of pace when TheKing was laying on the couch watching CARS (for the zillionth time). One of the upbeat songs was playing and he called me into the room - for no apparent reason other then he just wanted me there with him. As I came into the room I did a funny hopping kinda dance with some silly arm movements (the kinda thing that SuperStar would have currently rolled her eyes and simply DIED of embarrassment from these days).

Not TheKing.

His response was, "Mom you make me happy All Over." with a big smile on his face.

That was the sweetest thing ever! And brought all my sanity (okay, maybe just a large portion) back into place to last another week.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


FCOA - Future Cheerleaders of America......unless we move to Canada or something - you never know it could happen - maybe.....probably not......

Ack! It was raining the whole entire time the girls were cheering. I remember those games from my cheering days........just a light rain......cold........rain........but at least we were moving the whole time - these poor girls were sitting a good chunk of time and it was getting really chilly out there. Still they had smiles on the entire School Spirit there!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Did I Become This Mom?

Growing up I had Great Mom. When I was little she was a part time SAH, but then when my parents divorced she became a FTWM - in a predominantly mans field - so it kinda stopped her time for fussing with us. That happened a tad early on - 3rd grade. Now don't get me wrong - she still was THERE - she just wasn't what SuperStar might call a FrouFrou Mom.

Definition of FrouFrou Mom = one who is always there, knows the director of the event - or gets to know them during the event - brings the snack - ends up coordinating something - uses most of all their spare time coordinating some child's event - oh, and apparently they are always supposed to look nice (my mom looked as nice as I do - so who knows what that part means).

My role model was a Working Mom - Career Mom if you will. And I figured that is what I would be doing (as I have mentioned before). Now in High School I remember a small handful of moms who fit SuperStars description. Small. There were moms who were into things.....but only about 2 or 3 who were into everything. Cheerleading I really only remember 2 moms who did stuff for us on a regular basis. I can remember at the start of one of our very first games our Junior Year getting hand made hair clips with SCW on them. All done in our school colors of Maroon and White. They were SuperCute!! I mean SUPERCUTE - the kind of hair clips that a 16 year old would have worn in the 80's, but today would die of embarassment if they had to even put it in their bathroom. And I remember thinking how cool is was that the person's mom had made them for us (it was actually one of the football players moms who made them for us).

This week SuperStar and her friend MB signed up to do the clever high school Cheerleaders fundraiser. I think I posted this last year.

It runs like this: We sign our kids up for $30 a pop - they go to 2 two hour practices in a week - they receive a cheerleading tshirt - then on Friday they all perform at the high school football game until half time - they are grouped by grades and do cheers per their grade - jumps and a pyramid. They had 25 girls per K-5 = 150 girls x $30 = $4,500.00. That So Totally Beats any car wash our SCW Cheerleaders did!! So Freakin' Smart!!

Anyway.......the night of the performance it was rainy and cold - I was in the store looking for some long black pants for SuperStar to wear that night with her top and black turtle neck - the school colors are Orange & Black (in fact, the ENTIRE school district - elementaries, 3 juniors and both high schools have the colors of Orange & Black - they say it is EASIER that way). As I am walking through the store I spotted a sale on ribbon and remembered how cute all the girls last year looked who had the school colors in thier hair..........

And the next thing I knew I was becoming that FrouFrou Mom that I remembered admiring in high school. Ribbon.........pony tail holders.......scissors.......

They really were super easy to make......snip snip snip snip....knot knot knot

At first none of them looked like much. I worried that perhaps in their hair they would kinda disappear and not be noticeable........but when we put them in SuperStar's hair they popped her almost more then I had hoped - very cute!!

And it was more fun that SuperStar's "Bestest Friend In The Whole World" also wore one.......they were very adorable together.

And I had become That Mom - how the heck did that happen? A little Ribbon, a Pony Tail Holder and a pair of Scissors...

Oh, and the real big thing that made all the knot tying worth it? Well.....later when I was uploading the pics from the event SuperStar was watching. She saw the pics of the clipped ribbon, scissors and pony tail holders and said, " mean you didn't buy those? You made them? Great job Mom!"