Monday, October 5, 2009

The Sweet Parts

The past few weeks have been very very very very loud. TheKing and Spidey seem to really rile one another up so there is a lot of loud noise about nothing coming from them - CONSTANTLY - as I type this they are screaming "Sponge Bob Square Pants" at extreme volumes just to Out Scream each really does get unnerving at times. Sigh.

During the day.......when Spidey is gone......TheKing makes up for the lack of a noisy partner by screaming all that much more. It becomes a Quantity versus Quality kinda thing. And lately I am on the edge of Insanity due to noise a lot. There are only so many times a person can say, "Please use a quiet voice" before going bonkers.

So it was a very nice change of pace when TheKing was laying on the couch watching CARS (for the zillionth time). One of the upbeat songs was playing and he called me into the room - for no apparent reason other then he just wanted me there with him. As I came into the room I did a funny hopping kinda dance with some silly arm movements (the kinda thing that SuperStar would have currently rolled her eyes and simply DIED of embarrassment from these days).

Not TheKing.

His response was, "Mom you make me happy All Over." with a big smile on his face.

That was the sweetest thing ever! And brought all my sanity (okay, maybe just a large portion) back into place to last another week.

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