Friday, October 30, 2009

Does She Know?

On the main road ( actually turns into Main St.) into the town we live near there is a white house. Cute. Olderish. Medium size type bungalow. It is in an area that probably once was kinda residential, but now the street is a 4 lane road and the houses are turned into businesses. The rather large sign on the outside reads "Psychic - Tarot Card Readings".

In the 2.5 years we have lived here I have NEVER seen anyone going in or coming out until yesterday. However, the sign is still up and the electricity is still on - so I will guess that the business is doing well enough to continue.

Almost every time I drive past this business I wonder, "Does the Psychic KNOW that I am just outside Wondering if she (I am making stereotype judgements) KNOWS I am wondering about her?"

Do any of you who live here and read ever do this when you pass by?

Yesterday I added, "Will she be upset that I will be mocking Psychics by dressing up as one for Halloween? Or take it as a compliment? AND Does she know I am just outside thinking about this?"

She MUST right? She is a psychic after all.


HalfPint said...

OMGoodness!! She is so tricky that she disguises her house in a mist. I drove by today and realized her house is NOT white at all, but brick and kinda rickety looking........and it is a HER because she now has a billboard add and her name is Wendy!

Franchesca said...

Billboard, another sign of prosperity. She must know SOMETHING in this economy.. *smile*