Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Now This is An Adoption Story

I admire a great deal of the friends I have in the world we have created for ourselves. Each person that crosses the invisible line of "Polite Acquaintance" has a special uniqueness about them. Something that I admire and be part of - even if it is just being part of watching them and admiring them more.

Now not surprisingly.......since we have added a family member through adoption we have also added friends who have adopted as well. Certainly this is linked to need for being part of a group of people who have like minded experiences. Or it could be Fate..........or it could be an act of God to keep us connected for support. Whatever it is.....I am thankful for it. I love having people that understand the extreme love you can feel for a child even though you did not give birth to them (because there are STILL people who don't believe that - I have been told that I can not possibly love an adopted child as much as the children I gave birth to - and to those people I can only look at them incredulously and say they are wrong - and feel sad for them that they don't get it). I love having friends in my life who understand that there are subtle things a non-adoptive parent can NEVER understand - and being able to "complain" to them without offending them or making them feel awkward. I love that.

People who embrace and adopt children who need a loving home - period - are absolutely fabulous people. They are part of a group of adults that "get it" in my eyes.

And in the people that I have met who are adoptive parents I most love that I have friends who have crossed the color line with their adoption. And just as high on my list I love that I have friends who have (and are in the process of) adopting within the Foster Care system we have in the United States. LOVE THAT!! There is just something slightly different about US adoption through Foster then overseas or private adoptions. I can try to explain it if people want me to....just leave a note, but know that I have a special place in my heart for Foster parents and Adoptive parents through the Foster system. Undeniably.

So here in Central Illinois we have become close to a couple (BigGuy actually worked with the hubby in STL - funny we would have to move 2.5 hours away to become closer). When we moved here they had a little girl TheKing's age - pretty close to the exact age. He works still with BigGuy - she is a social worker in the DCFS area. I have contacted her on occasions when my family needed some guidance for a family member who needed help - and in that question/answer contact we have become friends.

About 11 months ago they finished their license to become Foster parents. Remember they had a 2 year old at the time. Not too unlike our own story - they were planning to foster before eventually adopting - and almost immediately upon receiving their license they were contacted about sibling girls. A 1 year old and a 2 year old. Their bio mom was already TPR'd (termination of parental rights). Adoption right away was not exactly what they planned - but perfect anyway. And they added them to the family.

Keeping track? They are now a family of 5 - 2 adults - 2 Two year olds - and 1 one year old. All girls. And then BL found out she was pregnant. Seriously. 9 months later they added a terribly sweet baby girl.

Keeping track? They are now a family of 6 - 2 Adults - 2 Three year olds - 1 Two year old - and a tiny infant. Seriously..........they went from a family of 3 to a family of 6 in Less Than a Year!!

Think we are done? Ah........nope. So two weeks ago they went on a two week camping vacation (they have a nice camper - BigGuy might be reading......I would LOVE a popup camper!). The baby is/was about three weeks old (I am losing track). I followed the trip on Facebook (gotta love it). They came home and were contacted that same day........the bio mom of the girls they adopted was "surprise!!!" having a baby in a day. And YES - that baby has been placed with their family until the mom gets her act together - or - they are able to adopt her.

Keeping track? They are now a family of Freakin' 7!! 2 Adults - 2 Three year olds - 1 Two year old - and 2 infants under the age of 3 months!! ALL ARE GIRLS!

And do you know how much it costs to adopt a child through the United States Foster Care System? Well...........I know for our family it was all paid by the US. I am pretty certain that it was the same for our friends - although I know that some private agencies that support only adoptions of this type have small fees - there are also lawyer fees for filing, but MO paid that too. The only real cost is "Time In" and "Love". How hard is that?

So.......needless to say I am totally keeping the L family across my invisible line of "Polite Acquaintance" and solidly in "Friends I Totally Admire". Because what they are doing is Absolutely Freakin' Awesome!!

Plus - I kinda admire Potentially Dangerous Insane people. If you are currently a friend of mine and I have told you that I admire you - you might want to consider that last part really carefully.........search yourself - ar eyou a Potentially Dangerous Insane Person?


Franchesca said...

I read this story and my heart just swelled with love for them overflowing with a desire to bring them a meal *laughing through teary eyes* I'm not married to the kind of man who would allow me to adopt or foster (without having won the lottery), but I definitely see the beauty in it. Not even close to the same thing, but my little Matthew (I've watched him since he was 6 weeks) will be getting a new baby in February. I, in turn, will be getting a new baby in early April. But it isn't that boundless love.

I'm sure their house is crazy and insane and I'm sure she's ready to pull her hair out somedays, but, can you just imagine all curled up on the couch together snuggling, laughing, talking? Those moments make it worth it. *and I'm still all teary eyed*

(you did bring her a meal right?? *smiles*)

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

I have always wanted to adopt. Maybe someday!