Friday, January 29, 2010

You are right Rebecca..........I don't want to know the truth about anyone's house - or - Why I have Re-Fallen in LOVE with my couch!

Cuter then Cute right? Yes..........all our children are - Cuter then Cute. And they also make us either Rue the Day we chose that piece of furniture or Congratulate outselves on a Splendid Choice.

Now that BigGuy and I are on Child #3 (yes that means I am hoping to count a #4 someday - but TheKing has to stop screaming long enough for BigGuy to remember how cute small children can be for that to EVER happen) - that BigGuy and I are on Child #3 we are getting better at "choosing" the correct household extras to stand up to the inhabitants who are shorter then me.

Recently BigGuy and I RE-fell in love with our couch. I even posted about my love on facebook - and many people thought we had purchased a NEW couch, but no we hadn't - we just started to realize how great the couch we have is.

See it all started with this Angel Face pictured - shall we say - gross? If I am honest we will go back all the way back to the Older Angel Faces not pictured - because they did their damage too. Getting to the point though - TheKing has been sleeping on the couch lately - no big deal right? Only when he sleeps on the couch it is because he feel asleep before nap time - and to fall asleep before "officially" being put down for a nap also means you do not have a pull-up on - and if you don't have a pull-up on then it means when you wake up you are liable to pee on yourself..........and whatever surface you are sleeping on.

Get it now? TheKing slept on the couch and - yes - pee'd on it. Good, hard core, soaking pee - nothing tiny at all. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best.

Lesson learned? No. TheKing fell asleep on the couch a weekish later - yes - pee'd on it AGAIN. Good, hard core, soaking pee - never tiny at all. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best. Only this time there was a definate lingering smell. And we had a long talk with TheKing about no sleeping on the couch - and a long talk with ourselves about not letting TheKing sleep on the couch.

And then he just flat out pee'd on the couch. Not like in a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon - rather in an "I was watching tv and couldn't miss what was happening so I pee'd on the couch" kind of a way. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best. Only this time there was a gross smell - undeniable - it even grossed out Spidey and that is quite a trick.

This time I complained to my friend Rebecca. What else was I going to do. Told her my couch was ruined. Joked about how kids mess up everything good we own. And she said that she and her hubby have often discussed how if they actually KNEW what happened in other people's houses they would have a hard time sitting down and eating there. And she is totally right - I mean would you want to sit on the part of the couch that TheKing kept pee'ing on if you knew where it was? Not me.

And believe me there are a TON of stories that would gross you out. Like where SuperStar vomitted all over the entry. And if we add in our house in STL - well let me just say there are some really awful things that would keep you off the staircase there.

So after complaining - and telling myself that all of your houses have disgusting secrets just like mine I googled "cleaning urine from micro-fiber suede couches". First thing that popped up was basically "throw it out and buy a new one". Second thing too. Third thing also really. But the Fourth thing was - "well for the love of cupcakes pop that slip cover off and wash it - the things is a micro-fiber suede for goodness sakes you moron" (okay it wasn't worded exactly that way). And BigGuy and I both hesitated..........could it be THAT easy? No, we will ruin it - we aren't washing it in the washer - there must be something really hard and expensive we have to do to fix this.

Then we thought about our bank account. No way for the expensive solutions (not that we found anything other then "buy" a new one - probably planted by a furniture store).

Then we sniffed the cushion again.........and close to tossed from the smell. Well we couldn't keep it. So might as well go for trying the washer - it was already basically ruined.

In we put it - out it came - and we used Febreeze on the actual cushion - let it all dry for 24 hours - and OHMIGOODNESS!! It was perfectly fabulous! We love our couch. And now we can love our kids again. But Rebecca is still right........I don't want to know truth about anyone's house.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Forgive me Father for have sinned.........

So this past Monday night Spidey had his first Reconciliation. He was so cute and nervous........"what will I say?"............."what will Father Jerry say?" will be fine we reassured him......"do they keep things you tell them a secret?".........."do they ever throw people in prison for what they tell the priest?"

It was the suggestion of the church that parents and other family members also participate and also do a confession. To show support - to clear the slate - to be good role models. Now when SuperStar had her first Reconciliation BigGuy ducked out. As a matter of fact a great deal of the parents there that night ducked out. There were really only a handful of us who went and spoke with Father Tom. I did - but I had not been to confession in years and my confession went something like, "Bless me Father for I have has been something like since I was 7 since my last confession" (I blame this on my parents). He kinda smiled and I asked him if he wanted my Top 10 sins or just a really good one. He took a really good one.

This time around I gave out 3 sins........coulda kept going to....shoot would have kept going if Father Jerry hadn't cut me off. I took in a breath in between #3 sin and #4 sin and he took it as an opportunity to smile, say "wow those are some good confessions" and place his hand on my forehead to bless me. So I was done - but I coulda kept going. Just sayin..........

Anyway - Spidey went up and sat down - looked from a distance like things were going well. He smiled as he walked back and sat down to pray. He looked pleased and relaxed. Then it was SuperStars turn - same - no problems. As we were waiting for SuperStar to have her confession BigGuy made a confession that he had NEVER made a confession!! Now how in heavens name did that slip by the church in St. Louis? Never had Reconciliation when he became Catholic 10 years ago. He had no clue what to say or do.....he was actually more nervous then Spidey had been. The woman organizing us and I explained that he needed to say "bless me Father for I have has been an entire lifetime since my last confession" (although that doesn't make total sense - but maybe in a before life/after life he has done a confession?). In the end he did well.........but his confession topic was fairly lame (in my own opinion - oops guess I have to confess the sin of judging anothers sin when I go again at Dawson's first Reconciliation!).

On the way home Spidey chatted about how easy it was. And how he was glad it was done. So I asked what he confessed. He got quiet.....I told him he didn't have to tell..and then he said something close to, "Well will I get in trouble for it - because God has already forgiven me." Smart kid.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DSi's are a Funny Thing

This Christmas Santa brought our two oldest children DSi's - don't qoute me on that - I know it is a DS, and not a DSlite, but maybe DSi is in my head because of CSI - anyway..........they got these terribly expensive little toys that eat up their attention when you don't want them to - BigGuy's attention too really if the kiddo's ever happen to put one down anywhere near where he is sitting.

But then thing that I find funny is - the DS's are bringing my kids together.


I mean Spidey, TheKing and SuperStar all get along very well. Not that they are Stepford children and they get along ALL THE TIME. But they play well enough together that if we don't see any one outside of our own family for a week or two - they have each other. Maybe they have a few new bruises too, but they have each other and they are happy and well adjusted.

So how do the DS'd bring them together? Well........they have a chat program in them. Kinda like a training program for texting. Only you have to be within 50 feet of another person with a DS who can chat with you. And they REALLY REALLY like doing the chatting (I have no idea where they got that gene from). So they will sit and chat with one another. For hours! Which I find amazing because even though they are close and play with one another - they spend a good chunk of their time complaing to me about one another being too loud.

As you can see - poor TheKing does not have a DS - so he passes out from boredom watching the other two chat about farting back and forth.......hey, I didn't say they were chatting intellectual things to each other.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why I am CERTAIN I will never get to go to the Gym ever again......

So I have been having great success going to the gym - started back up in the summer when I was challenging myself to be in the bike event and then kept the stream of healthy living all the way into the holidays..........and then I got sick. At the time I didn't know it, but whenever I tried to lay down to do pilates my chest filled up with fluid and I would start coughing - only I didn't have time to get to the doctor so I just ignored it. Once the kids came home for holiday break I did make it to the doctor (3 kids in tow...and man was that fun!) and found out that I had a sinus infection and bronchitis - and if I had ONLY WAITED a few more days he might have been able to say I had walking pnemonia too - but I am such a loser that I quit not going to the doctor too soon and I ended up with just 2 out of 3 medical problems.

However, the mystery of why I would just about pass out when I tried to exercise was solved (as if it were a mystery).

Kids home - me on the mend I gave up the gym for the month of December. With hopes and happy longings to begin again January 5th..........the First Day Back In School!!

Did I get there that day? No. TheKing threw a gigantic fit about the kids not being home and I decided to wait until January 7th when TheKing went back to school and I would be free free free for 2.5 hours.

Did I get there that day? Yes!

But I am Certain that I will never get to go to the gym ever again because:
January 8th - snow day & TheKing was diagnosed with an ear infection (yes, we went to the doctor on a snow day - that is a whole other blog coming)
January 9th - I was vomitting thanks to kiddo #2 bringing stomach bug home
January 10th - still not able to eat - SuperStar began tossing too
January 11th - 2 kids home still sickish & Dave home sick too
January 12th - TheKing threw another fit and pee'd his pants (nice trump card)January 13th - everyone back to school right? yes, but I had to rush around dealing with PTO IRS stuff and didn't get to the gym before preschool pick up
January 14th - Spidey stayed home sick with an ear infection (doctor trip)

Tomorrow is a New Day right? I am planning to plan to go to the gym. I have my bag packed. I have my mp3 player charged. I have my newest magazine ready to read as I march on the eliptical. I have my hopes high.............but

Monday, January 18, 2010

Apple of the Week

This past week in class Spidey was the "Apple of the Week"

When you are the Apple you get to be the Line Leader and do other fun things that are of Special Responsibilities in the class room - you know the drill. And usually there is a Poster with pictures of the Apple from a tiny kid to a big kid - with a list of ALL the things they most love and are their favorites.......Well these were Spidey's:

A Person I admire: Dad (no surprise - he is trying to cut the Apron Strings lately)

My Favorite Animal: Monkey (really? shouldn't this be HAMSTER?)

My Name: Spidey (not really - he used his real name)

My Favorite Food: Cookie (no surprise, it is GS Cookie Time You know)

Where I was born: In St. Louis

My Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrik rul (you descipher that yourself)

What I Do Well: Base Ball

What I Like Most About Our School: Jim and lunch

Now......"Jim and lunch"........I looked at that and was dumbfounded thinking, "who the heck is Jim?" "Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim..........if he meant Jimmy in his class he would have written Jimmy........who is Jim? a janitor? no, his name is Mark.........who is Jim?" "Oh, what if Jim is a creepy guy who shows up at the playground enticing them with candy....I will have to talk to Mr.S about this."

And then it hit me......he meant GYM!!!!

I know better - I know to read his writing phonically!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa

Lately I so seldom remember to use the Blog to say Happy Birthday to any of my friends and family that really this is a SURPRISE Birthday Greeting! (the surprise is on me for remembering)........


And just to prove that he still has is a picture of him playing Twister with Spidey this Christmas. Yea You!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Today marks the FIRST day of Girl Scout Cookie Sales. SuperStar is ready to go! She had her Lofty Goal set (1,500 boxes - which, when I did not share immediately in her enthusiam about said goal, she reprimanded me for not believing in her - I totally believe in her..........I just don't want to stand out in the cold going door to doo selling cookies. Is that so bad?).

So - Support Your Favorite Girl Scout and their troop by buying cookies. And this year you can ALSO Support the Troops by checking off on the order form and having a box you purchase sent OverSeas! Here is a Great article from the Springfield Register that tells you all about it!

Posted Jan 12, 2010 @ 10:10 PM
Last update Jan 13, 2010 @ 01:34 PM
When a Girl Scout asks you to order cookies this year — the annual drive starts Friday — you might want to buy an extra box or two for an overseas soldier.

Girl Scouts of Central Illinois, the region that covers Sangamon and 37 other counties, has teamed with State Farm Insurance in Bloomington to launch Operation Cookie Share.

“On the cookie order card, for the first time, customers can check whether they want to donate cookies,” said Erica Douglas, spokeswoman for Girl Scouts of Central Illinois.

When the cookies arrive here in March, the military-bound boxes paid for by civilians will be transported to State Farm in Bloomington, which will ship them overseas.

“In the past, our Girl Scout troops have been doing this type of thing informally. Some have family in the military. But now we’re doing it as a council,” said Douglas.

State Farm has an ongoing program called Adopt-A-Soldier, through which employees donate items such as food, toiletries, books and puzzles (plus letters and cards of support) to service members deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Girl Scout cookies donated by central Illinoisans will be added to the payload.

Eric Cook of Clinton is a communications officer with the Air National Guard based in Peoria. In 2008, he spent six months in the war zones of both Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The best part of the day for us was mail call. Although we had three meals a day provided, we had hardly any access to candy and sweets,” said Cook, 38, who works as a project manager at State Farm in Bloomington.

When a soldier received a box of cookies, it was a special treat, he said.

“Just to get something with sugar in it, a piece of America, was great. It went as quickly as the box was opened.”

Sharon McCauley, mother of an Army reservist, coordinates State Farm’s Adopt-A-Soldier program, which began in 2003.

“Over the past three years, we’ve had local Girl Scout troops donate cookies. But this is a much bigger effort.”

She has no idea how many boxes of cookies the 2010 drive will generate for her program.

“This is incredible. The girls will get to see and feel what it is to help the soldiers and the soldiers will get a taste of home. We’re encouraging troop leaders to include their addresses so the soldiers can communicate directly with them,” said McCauley.

Although the cookie drive features eight varieties of cookies, donors will not be able to choose the types sent to the military troops.

“Some of our cookies just can’t stand the heat,” said Douglas. The council will choose the kinds that hold up best in the hot climate of the Middle East.

Varieties, baked by ABC Bakers, are Thin Mints, Shortbread, Thanks-A-Lot, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Peanut Butter Patties, Lemonades, Caramel deLites and Daisy Go Rounds. It’s the same lineup as last year. Each box costs $3.50.

People who buy cookies at booth sales — where troops sell at the entrance of a retail store or other location — also will be able to designate cookies for the military through Operation Cookie Share.

Cook said troops overseas appreciate receiving anything that reminds them of the United States.

“Just knowing people back home support you by sending simple things you associate with home, like Girl Scout cookies, is really appreciated.”

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I am So Sorry

I am so sorry - I meant to get back to the blog sooner to tell you all what happened. And I also wanted MissM's mom to RE-explain to me the whole operation and procedure as I didn't really understand or comprehend much past "I am worried.......drilling hole in skull......metal plate that will make traveling difficult on planes".

MissM made it through the surgery with Wonderful Reviews! In fact - it was an outpatient surgery! Which also surprised MissM's parents when the hospital said - "okay take her home now".

What she had done - since I made a point to ask questions this time. MissM has a hair band - you can see it in the picture above with TheKing. On her hair band is her hearing aid - you can't see that because her hair is messy from playing with TheKing. The operation site is just behind her right ear. The drilled a hole there and placed a small metal plate that is kinda like a "button snap". This will be where her new hearing aide is SNAPPED into place. How cool is that? MissM was ordered a blond hearing aide and it will now blend into her hair and she won't have to worry about it falling off.


And as I said - she is 100% fine - minus the refusal to allow her mom to clean the site of the operation. In fact, most likely it is MsS who has had a harder time then MissM through all this. By the next Monday she was chasing TheKing all over the skating rink - and bossing him like the spunky girl she always is.
