Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why I am CERTAIN I will never get to go to the Gym ever again......

So I have been having great success going to the gym - started back up in the summer when I was challenging myself to be in the bike event and then kept the stream of healthy living all the way into the holidays..........and then I got sick. At the time I didn't know it, but whenever I tried to lay down to do pilates my chest filled up with fluid and I would start coughing - only I didn't have time to get to the doctor so I just ignored it. Once the kids came home for holiday break I did make it to the doctor (3 kids in tow...and man was that fun!) and found out that I had a sinus infection and bronchitis - and if I had ONLY WAITED a few more days he might have been able to say I had walking pnemonia too - but I am such a loser that I quit not going to the doctor too soon and I ended up with just 2 out of 3 medical problems.

However, the mystery of why I would just about pass out when I tried to exercise was solved (as if it were a mystery).

Kids home - me on the mend I gave up the gym for the month of December. With hopes and happy longings to begin again January 5th..........the First Day Back In School!!

Did I get there that day? No. TheKing threw a gigantic fit about the kids not being home and I decided to wait until January 7th when TheKing went back to school and I would be free free free for 2.5 hours.

Did I get there that day? Yes!

But I am Certain that I will never get to go to the gym ever again because:
January 8th - snow day & TheKing was diagnosed with an ear infection (yes, we went to the doctor on a snow day - that is a whole other blog coming)
January 9th - I was vomitting thanks to kiddo #2 bringing stomach bug home
January 10th - still not able to eat - SuperStar began tossing too
January 11th - 2 kids home still sickish & Dave home sick too
January 12th - TheKing threw another fit and pee'd his pants (nice trump card)January 13th - everyone back to school right? yes, but I had to rush around dealing with PTO IRS stuff and didn't get to the gym before preschool pick up
January 14th - Spidey stayed home sick with an ear infection (doctor trip)

Tomorrow is a New Day right? I am planning to plan to go to the gym. I have my bag packed. I have my mp3 player charged. I have my newest magazine ready to read as I march on the eliptical. I have my hopes high.............but

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